
It’s difficult to write about why there have been so many postings about money recently. Well simply put I am out of it. “Well get a job Michael!”. Yes, that could be a solution if I didn’t have $14,000 in debt stacked up with multiple collections companies hammering me for money that would attach all of my wages and leave me living on the streets. I already live on the streets when I am not dog sitting. Can’t you dog sit more? I could, but I had 3 cancellations for this month that were going to be bringing me a rather large amount of money which threw me for a loop. So more struggle vs progress. I picked up one sit for later in the month, but it’s not in time to save me from some fees that my accounts will get hit with.

FILE BANKRUPTCY! – If I did, I’d lose my car, I’d lose my phone, my computer, and my credit would be trashed for another 7 years which would be detrimental. It’s funny but everything that people have recommended to me are things that they wouldn’t do, and things that don’t move me forward or help, they just set me back further than I am.

It’s tough enough dealing with people saying “GO SIGN INTO A SHELTER, BE PART OF THE SYSTEM, GO HERE, GO THERE, DO THIS, DO THAT” when those things don’t help you get ahead. They hold you back and take away your freedom. They also make you part of the system which is already overused and taxed and it’s not something that mentally will do me any good. Additionally, I don’t sleep in those places. I didn’t even sleep well in BootCamp when I was in the Navy. I sleep on Dog sits because the energy there is different and the dogs are of a more positive vibration. I also don’t feel safe in shelters and such.

Right now, I am trying to raise money to get some bills paid, but also to get to the point where I can get my own studio apartment and get back to living a normal life. I can’t get an apartment with my current credit record so I have to pay those bills off first. That’s why I’ve been trying to sell domains, sell tshirts, get someone famous to retweet a tshirt out, because there’s a possibility, though slim that a retweet by someone really famous will help the tshirt sell a lot.

“Well, if you sell a ton of shirts, you’ll just waste the money!” is what I’ve actually heard. NO! I won’t. I have been “existing” on very limited amounts of money and should I make enough to get my own place, I will be GRATEFUL, and get back on my feet and get back to helping others. That’s my goal. It’s not to be depending on others to carry me. I want to be my own person once again and not have to curl up in the front seat of my car and cry myself to sleep any longer. It happens more than I like to admit, but it does happen. I pray daily for deliverance from this situation, but it hasn’t happened yet. I’ve been through hell with taking care of parents, being ripped off by healthcare people, crooked landlords, etc.

So I want you to know that I appreciate all of you sharing the shirts and the domains around, and I pray that someone will take advantage of buying them because they will be able to take them, make more money with them, and they owe me nothing additional, even if they sell one for a million dollars, I expect nothing in return ever.

Paypal does not allow me to see your payment info, neither does CashApp or Venmo, and the tshirts and mugs are from a company called Gearbubble that offers print on demand services and they handle all the printing as well as shipping to you. They pay me a commission from the sales, but only after a certain amount of time. Please know that you can shop with confidence from those links that I give you for shirts and such and that you’re paying them directly, not me, and they will always send your products to you.

Thanks for reading, and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask me on twitter at @the1murdock

If you’d like to make a donation directly to me because Monday is Veteran’s Day, please use:


Michael-Murdock-22 on VENMO

or $veteran on CashApp

A note about CASHAPP, some are down on this service because of BILL PULTE. Don’t be. He does not have any access to your information on that service. It’s a great service, it works, it’s always treated me well and I’ve never had problems with it like I have with PayPal at times.

Lastly, someone asked “Right now, how much do you need to get ahead for this month? TOTAL, RIGHT NOW, $1,000 gets me ahead. It pays my phone up to date (which is two months past due), it pays my insurance up to date (which is two months past due), it pays my storage ahead by one month, and it helps put food in the stomach and gas in the car fuel tank.

That’s as honest as I can be right now folks. Would getting that money be helpful? YES. Would it stop me selling shirts and such? No, but it would take some stress away, it would allow me to breathe easier, and perhaps it would shift some energy so that some other things would move forward.

Thanks for reading, for “listening”, and for sharing the things I post on twitter and for putting up with me. I am trying to get ahead, and trying to get back on my feet. It’s the only thing I truly want in life now, get back on my feet, get my old business relaunched, and go back to being a contributing member of society.

Michael Murdock, US NAVY VETERAN, currently living out of my car in Arizona, but hopefully not for much longer.

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