Michigan House Responds

to their big mouthed “representative” Cynthia A. Johnson whose address I will be kind enough NOT TO DOX, even though every Michigander in that State should sue her Betty Crocker biscuit eating ass into obscurity. People think this doxxing crap is a one way street. They forget the White Pages (love that book) lists a lot of people and the internet can help with the searches too and it’s all public! 🙂

How big of a cock was she smoking to get on facebook live and blabber like that thinking no one would pay attention to her?? Musta been HUGE!!

Oh well. I hope the Michigan State Police have a nice conversation with her, and I hope she loses her place in the House of Representatives for this, and we all watched her listen to testimony from election witnesses and the only thing she could do is ask for the correct spelling of their maiden names, and dispute their claims when she wasn’t there. I call garbage when I see it. The bitch is garbage. Plain and simple low grade garbage.

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