MAGA COUNTRY??? You asked for it!!!

Yes, I created a store named MAGA COUNTRY to sell items that have MAGA COUNTRY on them. I want to raise some money through this to pay back the Chicago PD for doing some awesome work and bringing to light a HOAX perpetrated by some people in Chicago and they took those POLICE away from some real victims with their bullshit hoax!

CHICAGO PD has their hands full with REAL VICTIMS who are BLACK, WHITE, LATINO, GAY, STRAIGHT, TRANSGENDER and others and they don’t need to be run around by some incompetent actor trying to get more fame for himself by making false claims and that paid people to “attack” him, but not mess him up too much because he needs to act. GIVE ME A DAMN BREAK! Arrest that POS and charge him with a HATE CRIME against WHITE PEOPLE which will be a switch!

Yes, I guarantee everything that sells, 50% of the profits will be pooled and then continuously given to CHICAGO PD until the sales stop happening. Let’s let CHICAGO KNOW WE CARE ABOUT THEM!!! more BLACK ON BLACK CRIMES are committed there daily and in this case, a Black Man paid two BLACK MEN to commit a crime on him! WHAT IN THE FUCK ARE THESE PEOPLE DRINKING!




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