It pained me so much…

It pained me so much…Really REP ANDY KIM? Pained you to clean up something that Democrats planned? WOW! But it didn’t pain you when cities burned over the summer. When police officers were killed. When children were killed. When David Dorn a retired Black Police Captain was murdered by Black men robbing a Black owned business in St Louis on Martin Luther King Blvd of televisions, that he happened to be guarding. You were silent then.

You were against condemning that violence against people. But when protesters get up in your face, all of a sudden things pain you having to clean up. You poor piece of garbage. More people DIED on our streets over the past 4 years because YOU PEOPLE in CONGRESS REFUSED TO CONDEMN THE VIOLENCE! YOU refused to stand up to the black garbed pussies known as Antifa who travel in packs like dogs and never take on people alone because they’d get their asses handed to them. YOU FAILED TO ACT!

BLOOD IS ON YOUR HANDS! Yours and the rest of DEMOCRATS who were too cowardice filled to do something about it. TRUMP TRIED, you blocked him!

AMERICA is coming for your seat in office and will beat you in the races because we desire a REPUBLIC, not a DEMOCRACY overrun by 2 states when there are 50 States that deserve a say in our country.

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