Is there a GOD?

Is there a GOD? if so prove it. If not prove it. – and this is merely a topic of discussion, not a questioning of anyone’s beliefs. And in answer to your question YES I do believe in GOD. And I do believe in the UNIVERSE. I also believe in questioning all because I was told I could. So…the question remains.

Do I know there is a GOD? Yes. How? Because on multiple occasions I have witnessed things in my life which could only be the workings of an almighty being with powers greater than anyone on this or any other planet either known or unknown. And because I remember at my core, cellular level interacting with an entity of this level before I came to this planet, I can say at my deepest that I KNOW THERE IS A GOD.

But that’s me. What about you? And please!! No name calling, shitstorming, or other things that are counterproductive because they truly are just that, COUNTER. This is a discussion topic. Thanks in advance…comment away!

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