Impeachment by…hearsay

This is what the Democratic party has brought America to. They have brought NO FACT witnesses to the table to prove any sort of corruption by President Trump against the American people or the UNITED STATES of AMERICA the country.

This America should be a moment where any sensible human being, put party aside, put the fact that you hate TRUMP aside and replace him with anyone and put similar circumstances up and know that if things were different the result would be the same and they who have the house majority right now would impeach the same way.

America, wake up! When the midterms came around, the house was won by Democrats because Republicans were not putting out a message which spoke to America. Sadly that meant that the Republicans lost the house to a group of people who on the advent of their win literally came out and said “WE’RE GONNA IMPEACH THE MOTHER FUCKER!”. Yes that was said and was never condemned by the leadership of the Democrat party. That speaks VOLUMES.

So now they’ve done it. For the what is this now, 4th, 5th time they’ve brought forth articles of impeachment. This time, unless the full house vote fails, President Trump, the President who waved a magic wand and brought back manufacturing jobs, got the dow over 28,000, got us out of Paris Climate Crap, removed Troops from Syria, Got the leader of Isis Killed, got the WALL started being built on the southern border, etc…Will be impeached for asking the leader of a country that we have a mutual legal information exchange treaty with to continue investigations that were halted by VICE PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN in a literal quid-pro-quo during the last administration.

WAKE UP AMERICA!! You may HATE TRUMP, but your bank account shows different. That new house shows different. That new car shows different. That relaxed look on your wife’s face when the bills come in shows different. Life in AMERICA is better with TRUMP as PRESIDENT and once this impeachment hurdle is overcome by him, his re-election in 2020 will be MAGNIFICENT and he will go down in history as the Greatest President that America has ever had. The FACTS bear that out. The “facts” that the democrats are bringing forward, all based on hear-say just show that they’re pissed that they have no one who can beat Trump in an election so they have to try and prevent him from getting re-elected.

Rep Al Green “WolfManGreen” said it out loud in an interview “If we don’t impeach TRUMP, he will be re-elected”. That is the mentality that is driving the disenfranchisement of 63MILLION VOTES in 2016. Our elections are NOT based on Popular Votes. They are based on the Electoral College thank GOD. If they were just based on popularity then New York and California would dictate the will of 48 states and all of our territories. That would not be good. Based on that fact, the election was a landslide for Trump in the Electoral College and that showed that he had a desire to win and to serve AMERICA. He donates his salary to other causes and he has been losing BILLIONS from his businesses due to giving his time and his muse to AMERICA to make it greater.

America, call your representatives, your senators and tell them to END this impeachment sham because that is what it is. Call them out and say “You told me you were going to DC to work for AMERICA, you’re not! Why NOT? We want TRUMP and we want to MAKE AMERICA GREATER!

I personally will be praying for President Trump even more than I already do. I pray for our country and I pray that we find a way to end this sham and to re-elect President Trump in 2020 because I KNOW that TRUMP will MAKE AMERICA GREATER in 2020 when he is re-elected.

Thank you for taking time to read.




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