
Sherman set the way back machine to around 2011… Obama bashes Donald Trump at a White House Correspondence Dinner, picking at him for chasing after the Birth certificate. The videos which have been shown, show a very determined looking Donald Trump, Billionaire looking towards Obama with a “I’ll get you one day you son-of-a-bitch!

Move forward in time to 2015 Donald Trump, a now registered Republican, after having rejoined the party in 2012 announces in June 2015 that he will run for the Republican Nomination for President.

When did impeachment begin? It began in 2015 before the 2016 election happened. Democrats were already talking that if Trump was elected he would be impeached for whatever reason they could come up with. So 2015 rolls along and the media assault begins, digging up every piece of dirt on Trump that they can. Trump a man that was LOVED by MILLIONS for his deeds and going out of his way to help others with no expectation of repayment. CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, REUTERS, EVERY NEWSPAPER OUT THERE and yes even Saturday Night Live who had Trump on a number of times turned on him.

Every Black Man or Woman who had supported him in the past turned on him like wolves on one of their own wounded. This man CANNOT BECOME PRESIDENT.

One by one the other candidates in the Republican field faded and one remained standing. They say that God had a hand in his election. I would agree because for the longest time it looked like there was a tidal wave of bad news against him that kept coming up and back up and back like the ocean lapping at a sand dune and whittling it away.

Trump stood against all of these assaults one by one and sometimes more than one at a time and he won the nomination.

And then the amazing year of 2016 went along, the debates and that final one where there was discussions about “Will you accept the results of the election now”. Which was interesting they wanted Trump to accept the results of the election before the election happened which was beyond ludicrous. Why? because they had rigged it so that he’d lose!!! They thought we’ll seed the popular vote so that he’ll lose that and of course he’ll lose the electoral college because well every POLL says HILLARY is going to win.

WRONG!! They never counted on TRUMP having an actual strategy to WIN the electoral college in such a sweep as to show AMERICA he was more than legit! People screamed that’s not fair!

But it’s the VOTE that wins the office of President no matter how much people scream the rightful President is the one who wins the vote that gets the office, not the popularity winner.

TRUMP is that President and yet after 3 years the Democrats are doing everything they can to try and invalidate or disenfranchise every voter who voted FOR TRUMP and NOT for HILLARY CLINTON!

That’s a problem. The problem is something that Hillary brought out in the debate. Yes HILLARY! “If you don’t accept the results of our election you are a danger to democracy” (someone forgot to tell her that we’re a REPUBLIC) but she’s right. What’s interesting is that she and her party are the danger. They have refused to accept the results of 2016 because their plan to defeat TRUMP failed and so they need to find something that rises to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors so that they can remove him from office through impeachment.

AMERICA!! this game that the DEMOCRATs are playing with impeachment is serious. They wish to disenfranchise an entire ELECTION! They literally want to destroy AMERICA over 4 words: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN and they want to begin the process based on a sentence said on a phone call between President Trump & Ukraine President Zelensky “I want you to do us a favor though”.

AMERICA that is a level of lunacy unheard of since Hitler lit up the ovens in Germany in WWII and called it a human barbecue. AMERICA WE ARE BETTER THAN THIS!!!

Every city, every town, every state must rise above their differences and see what horrors the democratic party has brought upon this nation. Slavery, The KKK, Suppression of Women’s rights and how the REPUBLICANS have ended those issues and always strived to MAKE AMERICA GREATER!

Now with President TRUMP we have a chance to get our country back on track, but we need him in office as long as we can keep him there! Not just 4 years. I’d personally love to see him stay for 8 more but we need the HOUSE and the SENATE to be RED!!! 



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