I logged in to read this on twitter and stopped to think…”If you hate the flag of the country you’re living in, why not move to another country”? Why not move to a place where you love the flag that flies above you? Why not go where you desire to really be instead of spreading hate and discontent that you have within you for a place that allows you so much more than any other country on the planet Earth?

Because you’re just an angry, miserable human being and are being ignored. I get that. I’ve been ignored and not paid attention to for a long time. Then I did something amazing and people started taking notice of me. Then I did more things and more people took notice…But I’m different in the sense that I was not born in America, I came here and became a citizen, served in the Navy to say THANK YOU to AMERICA for welcoming me in, and I’ve lived under this flag here with great admiration for this country.

I didn’t run from persecution in another country, come to AMERICA and then declare I HATE AMERICA or I HATE THE AMERICAN FLAG. Why would I? When I’m not being held in America as a prisoner, I can travel the world freely and go to any country if I’m not happy here. So to anyone who lives here now who is not a prisoner, if you hate this country and this flag and this Constitution and this Declaration of Independence and the Great Bill of Rights that other countries don’t provide, feel free to pack your bags, donate all of your ‘stuff’ or sell it and LEAVE.

But once you’ve left, don’t call us to come to rescue you when your rights are removed by other countries. Don’t call us to tell us that you’re coming back here to spread your hate or to strap a bomb to your body and kill others because YOU hate it here. WE LOVE IT, which is WHY WE ARE AMERICANS!

WE LOVE AMERICA. WE LOVE WHAT SHE STANDS FOR and WE WILL FIGHT TO PRESERVE OUR REPUBLIC WITH OUR LIVES, unlike those who abandon their nations to come here to trash our country because their country is not trashed enough.

WAKE UP!!! If you don’t like or love America, feel free to GET THE FUCK OUT!


AMERICA! Land of the Free, BECAUSE of the BRAVE!

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