That was what I asked a “CongressPERSON” named DENNY HECK. He said something about TRUMP committing TREASON which pissed me off and I responded with HOW DARE YOU! and a GIF of GRETA the DEMON CHILD saying HOW DARE YOU.

Here’s twitter’s response to my posting. Apparently when you use HOW DARE YOU with exclamation points to Congresspeople it’s considered HARASSMENT and results in a 12 hour BAN from posting, so long as you delete the tweet. Well I did cave and deleted the tweet. That happens when you’re a homeless VETERAN living out of your car, trying to get back on your feet, but want to maintain the ability to speak your piece to a certain extent.

The kicker to these things is IF YOU APPEAL. YOUR account remains LOCKED during the entire time it takes them to review your appeal which means since the majority of their staff is Democrats could take forever!

AMERICA! with all that twitter is doing, they are a CONTENT PUBLISHER and should be held to the same rules as those places like ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, ETC! We need to change the rules!

FUCK DENNY HECK! FUCK HIM and HIS TREASON claims of TRUMP. The GOD DAMN DEMOCRATS can’t even name or prove a SINGLE crime that THIS PRESIDENT has COMMITTED except that he BEAT HILLARY and their heads collectively exploded!

I was pointing out to that little bastard that the DEMOCRATS have charged TRUMP with TREASON since before he was sworn in and they know the penalty is death and they don’t give a damn! But if a DEMOCRAT posted the same thing, they’d be given a participation trophy, not a ban of any kind. It makes no sense except that I am a RED WHITE and BLUE CONSERVATIVE and they hate me!

So I am going to sit out the 12 hours and see if my account is restored to functionality then. I will retweet and refollow when I can do so. In the meantime I did something with this! I created a shirt!! People ask where these ideas come from, now you know!

It’s called HOW DARE YOU!! It’s available in different styles, ALL OF THEM ARE PRICED AT $20 each which so you know means I’m giving up some of my commissions to bring this to you! 🙂 Here’s the link to buy one or more:

And of course here’s the sample picture of the shirt. It’s one of many on and will be posted there in the NEW RELEASES section which seems to load the newest shirt in the lower right corner of the page that comes up when you’re looking at that section.

Please tell everyone you know about this shirt and make it a MILLION SELLER!!! Something to know about the commissions that I earn from these sales. I am not earning many because twitter is limiting the exposure of the shirts. I need to get someone famous to see one of these and to retweet it to their followers. When they do, hopefully the sales will follow and then the commissions that come in can be shared between me and CODE OF VETS so that they can help other Veterans who like myself are trying to get back on our feet so we can live a normal life.

People say to me “You could get a job”, well this is a JOB! Creating these things is not easy to do and to get them looking the right way, what I need is customers to buy them and I drop the prices to $20 per shirt or tank top or VNECK hoping that more people will buy them, wear them and encourage others to do the same.

Doing this keeps my PTSD at bay and eventually I hope that doing this will help to put an apartment in my life so that I no longer live out of my car and have to find other places to use free wifi. I want to be back to being a contributing member of society, I just need my own place to be able to sleep in, live in, and cook and shop for.

America I hear people say they want to help a VETERAN. Well here’s your chance to help a VETERAN who is trying to do something awesome and get back onto his feet by speaking his truth and owning his spot!

If I can sell 3,000 shirts to a bunch of Trump Supporters…which there are literally MILLIONS of them, I can be back on my feet, debt free, and living in a nice apartment and get back into consulting which is one of my first loves, although what I would probably do is hire some artists to create artwork and produce my own shirts because when you get the right piece done and the right person mentioning it, you soar! I want to SOAR BIG TIME!!

So that’s my story and I am sticking to it!! If after reading all of this you say “Michael, that’s nice but I don’t want a shirt, I just want to help you”, please go to the right sidebar and use the SUPPORT THE SITE link and you’ll see amounts you can choose, or you can enter your own amount there to help.

Anyone doing that has my utmost appreciation and gratitude. I have ONE person who made a one-time contribution at what I termed the GOD SEND level.

Or you can use any one of these items below to do the same thing. Either way I am in appreciation of your help and your sharing this shirt and others on the mentioned website with other TRUMP supporters. or $veteran on CashApp or Michael-Murdock-22 on VENMO

God bless anyone taking the time to read this and to share, or to help. I pray that this strikes a chord and let’s some people see how unfair places like twitter are being when it comes to VETERANS, PATRIOTS and those who truly want AMERICA to be AMERICA and not some sand dune in the middle east or ruled over by some GLOBALIST CLUSTER like the EU.

Michael Murdock, US NAVY VETERAN

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