Hollywood Commands You!

I always think it’s quite hilarious when I read that a Hollywood actor said, this a Hollywood actor said that, a Hollywood actor said that President Trump is crazy is nuts, is an asshole, needs to be exterminated, etc. And they want me to care.

What I want to tell Hollywood is you people are paid to entertain us. You’re not paid to give us your opinion about politics, about what you’re worried about, about what we should worry about, you are paid to entertain. You’re not worried about us. We know. We see we hear, we read.

So in my opinion, what you can do with your opinion about politics, is bend over and stuff it up your backside. When you start to pay the bills of those who are suffering in this country, Then give me a call, and I will listen to your opinion.

Until that time my advice to you is sing, dance, act, and make us feel entertained because that’s what we are paying you for. That’s what you were hired to do. And if you don’t want to do that job, simply disappear, because you are worthless & your opinions are as well.

If you feel you can do the job more efficiently than the current President, get into politics and run against him. If you can’t, then be quiet, read your lines, sing, dance, act or…just go away.

By the way, this goes for sports figures too!!
You’re being paid to play a game, to run, to jump, to swim, to do sports things, not to express political opinions. Do your job, or leave your sport. If you feel you can do a better job than the current President, then run against him. And when you lose, don’t cry too long.

You want me to listen to your opinion and care? Then you pay me to listen. GoTo https://paypal.me/MikeMurdock and deposit $10,000 for every minute you want me to listen to your opinion Hollywood & Sports figures, and then I’ll listen. Until that time, sing, dance, act, or just be quiet because President Donald Trump is actually working for ALL of America while putting up with your blabbering pie holes plus the lying Democrats since before he was elected!!

What are you all doing? Bitching, Moaning, making fools of yourselves while complaining about how bad things are and you’re making millions while doing all that complaining. People die daily on our streets or live in cars like me and YOU don’t give one iota of a damn about it.

To hell with your opinions.

Michael E Murdock USNAVY Homeless Veteran & owner of AmericaIsGreatAgain.com

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