Happy President’s Day! & 48DARK!

Yes, it’s true that today is President’s Day! Thank GOD WE HAVE TRUMP as PRESIDENT! I’m part of the 48DARK group who decided to take today off Social Media.

Now, because you’re going to see this in a tweet you’ll be saying “Mike you said you’d take two days off Social Media, what the fuck!” and yes I did.

However, I have not disabled those plugins which allow me to post to social media from off of twitter & facebook so my words still ring through the universe for all to read & to support if they wish to do so, come to this website www.acceptelection.com and in the right sidebar you can SUPPORT THE SITE!! Want to be a GODSEND Supporter? Donate $500 or more!

I will be posting here all day long because there is much to talk about this day, more than some other days so make sure you follow this site and keep up to date on things!

Thanks for reading, and I hope you have a great day off, if you’re able to have this day off.


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