
So apparently, there’s been some software used during this election cycle that helped calculate votes needed to win certain counties, and then electronically allocated votes from one party to the other, and of course I am paraphrasing things here, but work with me on this and I’ll include a video from Sidney Powell that gives a bit more info.

Click the video to play it


Michigan today announced that they had found a software glitch, that had allocated 6000 votes that were supposed to be sent to President Trump, but instead were given to Vice President Biden, and that this glitch had not happened in just one county in Michigan, it had happened in approximately 47 of the 83 counties in that state.

If that is the case, and let’s just say that the 6000 Votes number translates across all 47 counties, that amounts to approximately 282,000 votes that would need to be returned to President Trump. From what Sean Hannity explained on his show his sources have said that the very same software may have been used in as few as 30 but as many as all 50 states. If this is what happened, and the same glitch is applied to 30 states, or 50 states, then there’d be a significant number of ballots/votes coming back to TRUMP and I believe enough to award the election to TRUMP as it should have been in the first place.

Of course this post is all speculation at this time, until confirmed by those who brought up that there was a glitch found in Michigan, but if so, it’s time for some TRUMP THOR STYLE HAMMERING to be done!!

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