RED BELL PEPPERS in this case! A friend of mine shared this, this morning so I am sharing it wider!
You might immediately think of oranges or orange juice when you hear the term “vitamin C.” Did you know that a red bell pepper has 155% more Vitamin C than orange juice?
Orange juice has 50mg of Vitamin C per 100 grams and red bell pepper has 127.7mg of Vitamin C.
I eat raw red bell peppers like an apple and also sprinkle them into my freshly-made salads. Get creative with your vitamin intake beyond the usual routine of OJ & supplements.
• Red bell pepper are high in Vitamin C and dietary fiber.
• Red bell pepper has 54% less sugar than orange.
• Red bell pepper has more beta-carotene than orange.
• Red bell pepper has more niacin, Vitamin B6 and folate.
• Red bell pepper is a great source of potassium.
• Red bell pepper is an excellent source of Vitamin A.
Yellow, orange and green bell peppers are also great…however red ‘trumps’ them all! I sure do like the color red.
Cheers to our Superhuman health now and in 2022!