Dear Sports Figures…that hate TRUMP

There used to be a time when I cared about people going to the White House and being recognized for their achievements in sports. I guess it was back when people put politics aside and actually played their sport for the sake of playing the sport.

I may not be the brightest lightbulb in the collection, but I have yet to figure out what politics has to do with scoring touchdowns, winning a soccer match, winning the world series, or other things that are simply GAMES that people are getting paid to play.

I would have given my right nut to be able to play certain sports and get paid for it, but I put my nuts to better use and excelled in computer work to the point that my name along with a number of others is in the credits of a movie called Toy Story which will be preserved in the Library of Congress for all time.

I made my mark in a number of ways in my life and if I ever had the opportunity to go and be a guest in the “People’s House”, I don’t care if SATAN was the occupant, I would go because it’s an HONOR to be invited. I would put my politics aside and would go.

Why? Because it takes MORE GUTS TO STAND FOR WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN AND SHOW UP, than it does to CHICKEN SHIT YOUR WAY OUT and say “I’m not going”.

But that’s me and not many people have BALLS AS BIG AS ME, and I don’t mean that in the physical sense, although well…never mind that, I mean I’ve made some noise in this world and I’m still around.

Grow some stones and GO to the WHITE HOUSE. Shake the hand of the President, whether you like him and his policies or not. Why? Because you may never get the chance to do so again in your lifetime and you’ll always be remembered for CHICKENING OUT & NOT GOING, versus SHOWING UP and doing THE RIGHT THING.

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