Crossing a LINE says the WSJ “OPINION” comic revue

First off, AG SULZBERGER is a LIAR. President Trump has called the “FAKE NEWS MEDIA”  the ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE. He has NOT called ALL MEDIA the ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE. It actually helps to LISTEN to the PRESIDENT WHEN HE SPEAKS, not ASSUME what he is saying.

The terms FAKE NEWS & FAILING NEW YORK TIMES do fit because for the past 3 years the New York Times along with the Wall Street Journal, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, and MORE media outlets have LIED and committed what is actually SEDITION against the REPUBLIC of the UNITED STATES. Does it stop? Does it subside? No, it keeps on going. Why? Because of the PRESS thinking, they are immune to consequences because of the First Amendment. What’s funny is the PRESS that loves to stand on “FREE PRESS” demands that you pay to read their stories. If the PRESS IS FREE, THE INFORMATION SHOULD BE TOO!! So, unlock the story so that the PUBLIC you are lying to can directly respond to your lies and deceit. I challenge you!


Thank GOD we have a President that speaks up and out about these kinds of things and calls the Press out on the lies that they have been feeding to the American people to try and sway their opinions because election time is drawing near and the Press is still angry that HILLARY CLINTON LOST in 2016 and that she is as I love to say NOT ANYONE’S PRESIDENT (see below).








Now, what the NYTIMES, the WSJ, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC and others need to be aware of is that the people who believe that DONALD TRUMP is the RIGHT PRESIDENT and voted for him, we’ve been patient with you liberal asses. We’ve listened to your accusations of OUR PRESIDENT COMMITTING TREASON (which he hasn’t), COLLUDING with RUSSIA which HE HASN’T. BEING A RUSSIAN AGENT which he isn’t, while the real people who have committed treason are named BARACK OBAMA and EVERY MEMBER OF HIS ADMINISTRATION. Why the press doesn’t take it’s FREE LOVING ASS over and INVESTIGATE the real TREASON? because they’re bought and paid for by HILLARY CLINTON! (PROVE ME WRONG)

Stop bashing OUR PRESIDENT while living under OUR FLAG, MAKING MONEY IN OUR BANKING SYSTEM, and SLEEPING PEACEFULLY in OUR COUNTRY because if you’re so unhappy with him and what he’s doing FOR AMERICA, you need to pack up and GET OUT OF AMERICA! Because we’re tired and we’re fed up, and since JOE BIDEN is calling for a PHYSICAL REVOLUTION, We’re more than ARMED and READY to DEFEND AMERICA against YOU DEMOCRATS trying to turn us into a fucking sand dune.

Be careful what you wish upon America, JOE BIDEN. You’re calling to arms a boat load of people who all 80% of the guns and 100% of the ammunition and we’re called CONSERVATIVES and we’re NOT abandoning OUR COUNTRY, OUR FLAG & OUR FREEDOM for the FUCKING NIGHTMARE YOU PEOPLE want,  called SOCIALISM!








Michael Murdock, US NAVY VETERAN

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