It’s not difficult at all, count every legal vote! The question that one wants to ask is why the Democrats are “resisting” this count happening. I have an answer for you. They don’t want us to count every legal vote, because along the way we will discover that there are literally millions of illegal/ineligible/dead people that voted in this election, for Joe Biden.

The thing that gets me as an outside observer, listening to Joe Biden rasp his way through his fake victory speech, talking about “230 Million Thousand” people that have lost loved ones to covid, when the actual number is 13,800 (any life lost is bad, but these were not all persons is 100% health), I heard him say “I want every vote counted”. He left out the word “LEGAL”. Now why is that? Because as I said along the way to counting all those legal votes, we’d discover a boatload of illegal votes and his numbers will diminish substantially, in fact they are already are as there are things being found.

The Biden campaign should be asking the same as the Trump campaign for FULL TRANSPARENCY and for every LEGAL vote to be counted. They are not. They are asking for every vote to be counted which means every vote that’s legal and every illegal vote they could create, harvest, etc along the way.

America, our literal existence as a Republic depends on President Trump’s team discovering election as well as voter fraud, and finding enough ineligible votes to overturn the results in such a fashion that Joe Biden cannot recover from this. Then The President once he’s re-elected (does not need to be re-sworn-in) can direct the FBI and DOJ to act on this information and bring people to swift justice, including Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Symone Sanders and every other person in the Biden campaign, the Democrat party, as well as the state and local workers who Soros paid to pull this off.


Michael Murdock, US NAVY VETERAN

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