CoronaVirus is a TEST!


CoronaVirus is a test! A test for something much much darker.

Murdock how can you say that? You’re not a doctor!! It’s speculation. Or is it?

RED CHINA releases a virus from a LAB in RED CHINA and watches the entire world be shut down in a number of ways. Watches the distribution of resources to handle this type of pandemic. It watches where thing are needed and where they are lacking, how long it takes to replenish them, what the spend rate of them is, what the information flow is from what media outlets. They not only infect places where people go to eat, they infect manufacturing plants, they infect cruise ships and amusement parks, etc.

They take all of that data and input that into computers and come up with a model for how to combat the entire planet and bring it to its knees and subjugate it by claiming to have an antidote but never delivering one except to their people. Notice how WUHAN RED CHINA is recovering from this VIRUS and getting back to being economically viable while the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is basically shut down for all intents and purposes.

Now, imagine in 3 weeks if RED CHINA is fully back on its feet and decides to release a new BLACK VIRUS which infects every person on the planet outside of RED CHINA and every computer system, food particle, etc outside the borders of RED CHINA.

Could it happen? Yes, it could. Will it happen? I guess we have to wait 3 weeks to see. They could literally kill millions or even billions of people on the planet and demand any price they wanted to for an antidote for something they create to conquer the world. Is that their goal? It has been for decades. World domination and subjugation of every race that is not RED CHINESE.

Why be so doomsday-ish?? Because that’s what people like FAUCI and GATES and that fucking moron who crafted the OBAMACARE program (and then said anyone who voted for it was stupid) want to do. They want to shut down AMERICA for 18 months and let the country die, while installing JOE BIDEN as PRESIDENT and turning AMERICA into a RED FLAG FLYING COMMUNIST COUNTRY.

Wake UP AMERICA! Don’t go to sleep! Call out every single LIE you see on tv. Every LIE that you hear from DEMOCRATS or MEDIA DRONES. CALL IT OUT!!!

Also EDUCATE everyone you can on why they need to vote for TRUMP to save the REPUBLIC in November!

Thanks for reading.

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