
the following is a tweet I put out and stand behind. I was listening to John Eastman, Lawyer for President Trump & a Constitutional Law Professor, this morning on #WarRoomPandemic with Steve Bannon and he was discussing how the Constitution had been stepped on by Governors who overstepped their bounds in certifying electors after changing state election laws, before & during & after the election of November 3, 2020.

“Certification of KNOWN FRAUDULENT electors which were chosen by violating the Constitution do not make BIDEN a WINNER. They make him APPOINTED by COMMUNISTS within our midst, led by @Mike_Pence , they ALL broke their OATH. They are ineligible for OFFICE & should be removed.”

Legislatures are responsible for determining electors, and many of them have asked to have that right back because of numerous questions of issues with the process this last year. MIKE PENCE BROUGHT THIS UP IN HIS PREAMBLE to kicking off the counting of the votes & yet HE CHOSE to set aside the Constitution and plow forward because he wanted to overthrow President Trump as he hopes you’ll vote for him in 2024. I say to Mike Pence, FUCK YOU ASSHOLE! Trump never should have picked you to be VP. He should have appointed a Marble column. That column would have shown more spine and PROTECTED OUR RIGHTS!

Those are my thoughts and I stand by them, and without fear, I PUT MY NAME ON THEM.

Michael Murdock, USNAVY VETERAN


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