WALLS CLOSING IN ON JUSSIE??? Dems love to use that phrase on TRUMP, this time it’s time to use it against one of them!!! WALLS CLOSING IN !!!
Someone might want to put JUSSIE SMOLLETT on SUICIDE WATCH. Even though he has lawyers, it appears that the Police are two heartbeats away from arresting him and charging him with a few things, so someone might want to put him on SUICIDE WATCH and NO I AM NOT KIDDING.
Sometimes when criminals are ready to be caught, they take the chickenshit way out and kill themselves to avoid prosecution for their deeds. It looks like some things might be coming down pretty quickly that could drive someone over the edge and personally I want to see him prosecuted for a hate crime against WHITE PEOPLE because that’s what he called out in his talking to the police. He claimed he was attacked by WHITE PEOPLE wearing MAGA HATS which puts ALL WHITE MAGA HAT wearing people at risk, more so than normal!
Thanks for reading and taking action to make sure he doesn’t escape justice and the hammer coming down TRUMPTHORSTYLE!!!
MAGA COUNTRY??? You asked for it!!!
Yes, I created a store named MAGA COUNTRY to sell items that have MAGA COUNTRY on them. I want to raise some money through this to pay back the Chicago PD for doing some awesome work and bringing to light a HOAX perpetrated by some people in Chicago and they took those POLICE away from some real victims with their bullshit hoax!
CHICAGO PD has their hands full with REAL VICTIMS who are BLACK, WHITE, LATINO, GAY, STRAIGHT, TRANSGENDER and others and they don’t need to be run around by some incompetent actor trying to get more fame for himself by making false claims and that paid people to “attack” him, but not mess him up too much because he needs to act. GIVE ME A DAMN BREAK! Arrest that POS and charge him with a HATE CRIME against WHITE PEOPLE which will be a switch!
Yes, I guarantee everything that sells, 50% of the profits will be pooled and then continuously given to CHICAGO PD until the sales stop happening. Let’s let CHICAGO KNOW WE CARE ABOUT THEM!!! more BLACK ON BLACK CRIMES are committed there daily and in this case, a Black Man paid two BLACK MEN to commit a crime on him! WHAT IN THE FUCK ARE THESE PEOPLE DRINKING!
Want to see a liar speak? Just watch this
As @IlhanMN says how great Africa is, she says we Americans are morally bankrupt. That immigrants who come here are caged & tortured. She goes on & on about how horrid America & Americans are. Boasting how she is going to change America. She hates US! pic.twitter.com/WqpI8XtKFx
— 🇺🇸Super Elite Texan🇺🇸 ▄︻╦デ╤一 (@SuperEliteTexan) February 18, 2019
Yes, a LIAR, A FRAUD, A TROJAN HORSE sent to the US to campaign, to become part of Congress and to take out our President. Yes, by force if necessary, this little pissant of a human being is lying and people are buying her bullshit because she’s wearing a bandana over her head. I don’t give a damn if she’s MUSLIM because ISLAM is an IDEOLOGY and based on the fact that the 9/11 HIJACKERS subscribed to that Ideology, it’s one that’s really fucking sick and has NO place within the borders of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
Yes people are welcomed here. When they have valid ASYLUM claims they are welcomed. When they apply for VISAs here LEGALLY, they are welcomed. When they apply for and are granted a GREEN CARD, they are welcomed here. When they sneak through tunnels or under border fences or over border fences and are apprehended, they are DETAINED, they are questioned, they are NOT TORTURED and that little fucking congresswoman has ZERO proof of torture so she should be censured for lying to get her idiotic point of view across. Yes people are welcomed here when they come here LEGALLY. President Trump has said this from the very beginning. COME HERE LEGALLY and you are WELCOME. Come here ILLEGALLY and YOU are WELCOME to BE DEPORTED!
My question for the mouse is, where the fuck were you when OBAMA DEPORTED MORE MUSLIMS THAN TRUMP DID DURING 8 YEARS?? YOU were sitting in your room picking out bandanas! You were also arrested and seen without the bandana! So we know you’re working a fro under there! LOL You are fucking pathetic and that’s just the start of my opinion about you. You are laughable. However, I don’t underestimate you because you are inside the walls now. You’re within the halls of Congress and just like others, you could be a suicide bomber that could take out Congress and others when you don’t get your way. I don’t trust you and I think you should be investigated censured and removed from Congress and sent packing back to whatever cave you crawled out of. That’s what I think.
Also, this person ILHAN OMAR claimed that President TRUMP banned ALL MUSLIMS from America. If that’s the case, HOW DID SHE SLIP IN? And the BAN affected 8% of ALL MUSLIMS ON PLANET EARTH, so 92% are NOT affected, so this is hardly a ban on ALL MUSLIMS. In other words ILHAN OMAR, YOU ARE FULL OF SHIT!
Thanks for reading!
Michael Murdock, US NAVY VETERAN
$5 Ft Long Caper…MAGA COUNTRY!
So by now, if you’ve not read about JUSSIE SMOLLET the “actor” from the tv show EMPIRE on FOX and his ordeal that left him bruised at 2:30AM a couple of weeks ago, only to show up on video moments after he said he’d been beaten as some put it “to within inches of being killed”, he shows up on video with a completely undamaged $5 FT LONG SUBWAY SANDWICH…well if you haven’t read anything about this, you’re living in a cave!
Now, here’s the deal. I’ve been listening and reading and am just tired of hearing of this bullshit because as the leaves are overturned, it appears this two bit piece of crap person hired some people to concoct a story to try and do damage to the MAGA supporters of President TRUMP and those who really love that he is Making America Great Again!
Chicago, the capital of BLACK ON BLACK crime and this character decides that he’s more entitled to the resources of Chicago PD than real victims so he hires a couple of Nigerian Brothers to write a fake letter threatening him and they mail it to the show, which is a FEDERAL CRIME (so the FBI is now involved), and then those Brothers are now cooperating with the Police and giving them all the information they need to bring Smollet up on charges for a few things. This story is still evolving, but since it is, and since Chicago PD is being taken away from real victims, I decided I wanted to do something for the PD.
“THIS IS MAGA COUNTRY” Smollet claimed his attackers yelled at him as they “attacked him”, but there’s no video evidence anywhere to show him being attacked at any point, just his words. But there is evidence of two people walking in the snow, but no JUSSIE, and then there’s JUSSIE with the sandwich untouched!
I created some MUGS & some TSHIRTS to raise some money to give to the CHICAGO PD to thank them for their dedication and for just being awesome in getting to the bottom of what is turning out to be a HOAX against President TRUMP & his supporters of which I am one.
I am going to give 50% of all proceeds to the Chicago PD to thank them. So every sale will make a profit, and exactly 50% of that profit will be pooled & a cashier’s check sent to the Chief of Police, or I will fly to Chicago & deliver it in person to thank them all for their work on this. Whichever is the most effective method of delivery.
This is the link to the store specifically created for this:
please share this story with everyone you know and help me sell a ton of these shirts and mugs so that Chicago PD knows we appreciate this HOAX being uncovered!
Well, well, well…Adam Schiff!! You little news PIG! LMAO!!! Hey ADAM!! REMEMBER the OP-ED??? Dear Congress!!! especially NANCY PELOSI!! It looks like President TRUMP has all of you by your proverbial balls because YOUR BOY ADAM SCHIFF said the BORDER CRISIS is a CRISIS and needs CONGRESS. He also points out a little operation which ERIC HOLDER was involved in called FAST & FURIOUS! Am guessing we’re gonna get that wall funding right now and not have to wait any longer for it. Right kids!!! @potus @realdonaldtrump @speakerpelosi @repadamschiff
Remember, to support the site, come back to www.acceptelection.com and click in the right sidebar where it says “Support This VETERAN OWNED Site”
The website won’t let me print the page to a pdf file, but I was able to screen snap it and am including it here so that everyone can see it in case Schiff has it pulled down!
Tammy Bruce is RIGHT!! Do not presume the COUP IS DEAD! It’s NOT
President Trump @POTUS @realdonaldtrump you need to read this and to take it as seriously as we your supporters do. The COUP is on by the DEMOCRATS and the NEVERTRUMPERS in THE GOP as long as you are PRESIDENT unless they are arrested and “dealt with” accordingly to the level of their crimes. That may involve Martial Law being declared in DC and having them arrested, or it may require stealth operations to have them removed from their homes wherever they may be, and whisked off to GITMO blindfolded and hearing restricted so that they are sensory deprived and awaken when they are allowed to, to find out they are not in Kansas or California or Vermont or other places any longer and will stand before a Military Tribunal and charged with Seditious Conspiracy against The Republic, then sentenced accordingly. Also having all of their finances immediately seized and given to the homeless in their districts to help the ones who they spit on daily…etc.
Your must-read on the entire coup effort from fake dossier to Mueller. One note to @realDonaldTrump: do not presume this coup is dead “Autopsy of a Dead Coup” https://t.co/hlELuqe7Pg
— Tammy Bruce (@HeyTammyBruce) February 18, 2019
Attention New Twitter Followers!
Thanks for following me on twitter. I will be back live on twitter posting on Wednesday of this week! Just wanted you to know that I am posting from my website www.acceptelection.com to get caught up on some posting here that I have wanted to do for some time. When I post here, it posts on twitter so if you see something pop onto twitter from me today and tomorrow, it’s from this site.
I created this site as a response to HILLARY NOT ACCEPTING THE RESULTS OF THE 2016 ELECTION, hence the name Accept Election. I post all kinds of things here and you will from time to time find an explicit posting where I let loose with both barrels and express how I really feel about things. So…if you don’t mind that, please follow the site, if you do…then get the fuck out of here! See!! Direct, uncensored Michael Murdock is what people like and love and ask for more of.
So thanks for reading, thanks for telling others about this space, and thanks for coming back from time to time to read the shit that I post here! If you can support the site in any amount, please do as I don’t make money from running the site, I make money when people donate to help out. It helps me to pay the hosting bills, keep the heater on and keep gas in the car! Thanks in advance for believing in me and thanks for your support of President Trump because that’s who I support.
Have a great day.
Happy President’s Day! & 48DARK!
Yes, it’s true that today is President’s Day! Thank GOD WE HAVE TRUMP as PRESIDENT! I’m part of the 48DARK group who decided to take today off Social Media.
Now, because you’re going to see this in a tweet you’ll be saying “Mike you said you’d take two days off Social Media, what the fuck!” and yes I did.
However, I have not disabled those plugins which allow me to post to social media from off of twitter & facebook so my words still ring through the universe for all to read & to support if they wish to do so, come to this website www.acceptelection.com and in the right sidebar you can SUPPORT THE SITE!! Want to be a GODSEND Supporter? Donate $500 or more!
I will be posting here all day long because there is much to talk about this day, more than some other days so make sure you follow this site and keep up to date on things!
Thanks for reading, and I hope you have a great day off, if you’re able to have this day off.
Yes, this is what Democrats believe will “secure” our border! Can you believe this shit!
DEMOCRATS are losing it on so many levels because they can read the writing on the Mueller Report and it’s not even published. I’ll spell it out for you: “NO COLLUSION BETWEEN TRUMP, TRUMP CAMPAIGN & RUSSIA”
Adam Schiff is looking to IMPEACH MUELLER for COLLUSION with TRUMP to avoid prosecution. Yes, it’s TRUE, ADAM BOY who has been lying to AMERICA about indisputable evidence about collusion has had nothing found or manufactured after 2 years.
So, AMERICA, the DEMOCRATS have lied to you because they’re still pissed about HILLARY LOSING THE ELECTION because she was a BAD CANDIDATE and didn’t plan on losing and supporting AMERICA. She felt she was entitled. She was wrong! Trump proved that and will prove that again in 2020 when HE is re-elected by a LANDSLIDE.
Buy a Mug or Shirt Today!
Just so you are aware, everything sold from the site help me help others. I split the profits of everything sold here 50/50 with organizations that can help others, especially Veterans.
Click the link & select NEW RELEASES to see the lastest offerings!
Thanks for your patronage & God Bless The United States of America! 🇺🇸