
Facebook “Community Standards”

Really Facebook? You have the audacity to call those “Standards”??? They’re bullshit is what they are. I make a remark about camel HUMPERS (it’s been proven on night vision footage that those wearing towels on their heads have an affinity for sexually molesting animals) and yet you tag a posting of mine which included a map of ISIS losing their asses and call it a violation of your standards. WOW.

But when someone says DEATH TO AMERICA or KILLS someone on camera, that falls within the lines of being fine under your “STANDARDS”. Really??? Who’s examining these things? MICKEY FRIGGING MOUSE?? Wake up and smell the bullshit that you’re cooking!

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Well…So…NO COLLUSION after all

America, today is a day of CELEBRATION and I don’t give a DAMN what DONNA BRAZILE says about anything. That PIECE OF CRAP doesn’t want to accept Donald Trump as the legitimate President of the United States…SCREW HER!

TRUMP WON, HILLARY LOST and TO HELL WITH DONNA! 2,800 SUBPOENAS and over 500 people interviewed and millions of documents and NO COLLUSION FOUND BY ANY AMERICAN WITH RUSSIA!! And yet DEMOCRATS, THE DNC, have been CLAIMING that they had EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION, MOUNDS OF EVIDENCE OF IT for over 2 years and had NONE of the resources the Special Counsel had, and they come up with NOTHING. Special Counsel said NONE. That makes EVERY DEMOCRAT saying anything else about this nothing more than a LIAR & A FRAUD.

PERIOD. TRUMP WON & EVERYONE WHO VOTED FOR TRUMP WON. AMERICA WON because the process was followed, MUELLER was NEVER FIRED, NEVER interfered with, even when DEMOCRATS said he would be. So once again they were wrong and now they’re screaming.

FUCK THEM!! TRUMP 2020 LANDSLIDE & CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT to give him a 3RD TERM just to screw with them even longer!!!!


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Orange Man Bad!

I love the BEN GARRISON CARTOONS!!! I hope he doesn’t mind me sharing this one with you. After reading about GEORGE “LARD ASS” CONWAY and his “I have to bash TRUMP on twitter so I don’t yell at my wife” BULLSHIT, I wish KELLYANNE would knock his fucking block off his shoulders and kick his ass to the curb!!! She is FAR better than him and she deserves to be treated like an amazing woman and not yelled at by some clown who is riding her coattails.


KellyAnne accomplished what NO OTHER WOMAN could. She got a President Elected where other women tried and failed. TRUMP WON because of HER!! She’s going to get him re-elected in 2020 and if she does it with JABBA-THE-CONWAY hanging onto her coat, she should be awarded the MEDAL OF HONOR for her dedication to AMERICA!!!


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Do you know about this? I’ll bet OMAR and TLAIB & Ocasio-DE-WHACKO don’t!!!

But just in case…here it is for them too!!

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The World according to CNN…

Today I watched an interview held by a puppet at @CNN and attended by Congressman Adam Kinsinger. They proceeded to discuss many things, the CNN puppet spouting the propaganda lines & Kinsinger looking as though he wanted to throttle the guy for some of the things he was saying.

What struck me about this interview was the discussion around New Zealand and the killer’s manifesto (I have not read it yet) which the Puppet mentioned that it had said some things related to looking up to President Trump and so CNN presumes to tie TRUMP to the killings there making it like TRUMP flew to NEW ZEALAND and GUIDED THIS KILLER TO MAKE THE CHOICE THAT THE KILLER ALONE MADE TO KILL PEOPLE.

And that’s when it hit me. CNN is once again trying to destroy, divide, trash AMERICA once again while taking cheap shots at our President.

What CNN doesn’t realize is that THEY are as GUILTY of KILLING and HARMING people in THIS COUNTRY as that killer and ALL KILLERS are across the globe. THEY pull the trigger along with those killers, those bombers every time they speak ILL of PRESIDENT TRUMP. Wait!! How can you say that Michael?? CNN LOVES AMERICA!!!

Really? Then WHY did they create the LIE that TRUMP SAID “ALL MEXICANS ARE RAPISTS, DRUG DEALERS, MURDERERS” when he announced in 2015 that he was going to run for President? From that point of creation they embraced hatred, division, and a desire to RUIN AMERICA for choosing to VOTE for ANYONE other than HILLARY CLINTON.

So this killer in NEW ZEALAND ADMIRED TRUMP. Good for him. TRUMP didn’t make him kill anyone. HE CHOSE TO KILL. How can I say that? BECAUSE TRUMP doesn’t make people do ANYTHING. THEY, THE PEOPLE CHOOSE TO DO what THEY CHOOSE TO DO. Something else to consider is that maybe something CNN broadcasted triggered something in this person that made him think that TRUMP said something WHEN HE DIDN’T, but CNN EDITED IT to make it SOUND LIKE HE DID SAY IT. Exactly what they did in 2015 and then perpetuated that LIE every single night since that time to drive the propaganda into the minds of AMERICA thinking it would impact the election and turn the results to HILLARY. It FAILED.

So they tried RUSSIA…but not until they tried the GRAB THEM BY THE PUSSY tape. “TRUMP SAID HE GRABBED WOMEN BY THE PUSSY”. Actually, that’s NOT what he said. He said that WOMEN WOULD LET YOU DO THAT. He never said HE DID IT. BUT CNN ran with the LIE OF “TRUMP SAID…” and then they ran that over and over and over again drilling it into the heads of their LIBERAL audience who then started lashing out at TRUMP supporters for supporting a man who do such things to women.

You see AMERICA we are on the verge of the MUELLER REPORT coming out. Some are pushing for the whole report to come out. Democrats are preparing to IMPEACH MUELLER for COLLUSION with TRUMP & RUSSIA because MUELLER is going to find there was NO COLLUSION between the TRUMP CAMPAIGN, DONALD TRUMP & RUSSIA and that instantly torpedoes the lie that they have perpetrated upon AMERICA since 2015.


That is what should happen in the INTEREST of PRESERVING LIFE.



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aka “ONE LOUD MOUTHED PUTZ”. After seeing his post on twitter trashing the TRUMP visit to ALABAMA which basically took a swipe at EVERY RESIDENT OF ALABAMA while trying to just jab at TRUMP, this speaks VOLUMES about the DEMOCRATS and their intense HATE for AMERICA and all that we love! This shit has to stop! Here’s TEDDY-FUCKs TWEET and my response on facebook to it.




If TED dropped off a cliff tomorrow, I wouldn’t give a damn. But the fact that there is no outrage from the RIGHT over this or the LEFT who also reside in Alabama is shocking. They think this shit is truly ok. It’s NOT. Because if TRUMP hadn’t gone to Alabama, every MSM channel out there would have been trashing him for not going, not doing anything and simply going to Mar-A-Lago once again.

Wake up AMERICA and tell the DEMOCRATS we’re tired of their bullshit!! VOTE TRUMP IN 2020 and send them packing for another 4 years and make them utterly fucking miserable!!!

Don’t like the language? TOUGH SHIT!!! It’s my blog and it’s my first amendment and I earned the right to express myself in my own way!

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Some will be offended…

By seeing these cartoons which I claim no ownership of. I will however say that as a freedom loving AMERICAN & a believer in JESUS CHRIST, the HOLY TRINITY and NOT ALLAH or SHARIA LAW, I really couldn’t give a damn if someone is offended by my sharing this.

If people across the globe can make fun of the HOLY FAMILY, the VIRGIN MARY, JESUS, GOD, ANGELS, etc…then a mere mortal rapist who claims to have flown on a donkey from one place to another who no one ever saw do that is full of shit and is a target for whatever people want to throw at him.

PERIOD. If Pakistan doesn’t like that, CHANGE CHANNELS! and in the spirit of freedom, PISS ON SHARIA LAW! I live by the UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION and I don’t recognize your laws, don’t live in your country and really couldn’t care less if you vanished from the face of the earth due to your stupid argument with INDIA.


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Michelle Malkin ROCKS!!

Just thought I’d share Michelle’s tweet here!


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50 EX-national security officials BARK!

One reason they call them EX is because they’re somewhat worthless in the quest to ensure that AMERICA FIRST is followed. They’re globalists who believe in ONE WORLD ORDER, NO BORDERS, NO WALLS, NO LOCKS ON DOORS unless it’s their doors! WAKE UP AMERICA!! VOTE TRUMP2020 to ensure the prosecutions begin!

I love when you see the ex people speaking up. It’s…oh let’s see…a DOG WHISTLE!!!! LOL which is what THEY SAY ALL THE TIME!!!


Trump is doing what NO OTHER PRESIDENT DID and it pisses NBC and others off that he’s getting things done when they said “HE WILL NEVER DO ANYTHING” and it’s so much fun for them to crumble as he gets things done and embarrasses the entire lot of them.


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People are “UNDER PRESSURE” because of TRUMP

So, we’ve now seen something interesting. An actor, being paid to be on television, make money from appearances, attend all kinds of cool events, be loved by millions throw away his career in just under a month.

A man making $65,000 per episode to be on a show called EMPIRE. Now, how many of you make $65,000 for doing anything? If you’re lucky you’re in a job that pays you that much in a year. If you were me back during the 90’s, I made pretty much double that in a couple of jobs that I had, but I no longer have them. BUT!!! this person makes that amount of money PER 1 HOUR EPISODE of this show that’s being shown on TV. What does that translate to in work hours? I guess that depends on how many shots he’s in, how often they need to re-shoot a scene, etc. The bottomline is the guy is being paid to be on TV as an ACTOR $65,000 per episode. 10 episodes…you do the math!!! It’s not pocket change!

So when we find out that he paid people to attack him, that he evidently concocted some brainiac plan to send a letter to the studio where he’s working so that…they’ll what PAY HIM MORE??? Why would someone do that kind of thing?

Some people say “He’s got problems!”, others say “people are under pressure because of TRUMP”! Well…if he has problems, he’s just tripled those by being charged with a FELONY. He may end up going to JAIL and losing that $65,000 per episode paycheck. He may end up with a very large white man as a roommate that just loves smooth skinned black man for lunch! And as far as the “PEOPLE ARE UNDER PRESSURE BECAUSE OF TRUMP” claims…HOW!!!!! How is TRUMP causing pressure? He’s driving the media up a wall and they are creating the pressure in the lives of people with their lies and deceit! TRUMP is not causing the pressure. MEDIA is and ANYONE thinking that TRUMP is doing it is simply falling victim to the MEDIA lies & deception and doing so by CHOICE!

Yes, they’re choosing to fall victim to the MEDIA. How? By watching the stories on places like CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC, SNL, GOOD MORNING AMERICA, FOX NEWS SUNDAY, and other programs that have hired specific NEVER TRUMP people to lie and deceive people into a constant state of anger and hate for anyone and anything associated with PRESIDENT TRUMP. Before HE WON the 2016 election, Donald TRUMP was LOVED by ALL of the people who now are trying to trash him and his supporters. ALL of them considered him an amazing man, a great man, a great donor, a great supporter of what they were doing. They all wanted to have their picture taken with him, they wanted him to write checks to them, they wanted to adore this man. November 9th 2016 they all turned on him like an angry pack of wolves and they have yet to stop going after him for everything that he does and for anyone who supports and believes in him.

So, what can we as a people do about this kind of thing? Start & keep calling the media out on all of their crap and lies every single time they claim that TRUMP DID THIS! Call out the DEMOCRATS and the NEVER TRUMP crowd every time they claim that TRUMP DID THIS! What can we do the next time some brainiac comes out and creates a HOAX against himself blaming those people who wear hats or shirts supporting President TRUMP? We can make sure they are arrested, charged & jailed for their crimes. What can we do if we witness someone being harmed by an out of control liberal? Put down the phone that you’re recording them with and intervene, stop the assault and make sure the cops are called to take that person away.

America will recover from all of this. When? Probably after President Trump leaves office in 2024 and is replaced by another Conservative President because a DEMOCRAT will DESTROY the United States and turn us into another piece of Middle Eastern Desert if they have their way about things. Pray for the USA. Ask GOD to continue to shine his light down upon us to save us from the Abyss that they would rather drive us off into.

Thanks for reading & sharing this.

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