

So the Washington Post writes things like this about Sarah Sanders because they’re a piece of crap newspaper that no one should ever do their bird the disservice of lining their cage with. FUCK THE WASHINGTON POST! I can’t say anything nice about them because to be perfectly honest there’s nothing nice to say about them!

If they had written this about a DEMOCRAT press secretary, their buildings would be on fire because LIBERALS would torch them and demand they retract the statements. What’s going to be funny is that when she runs for Governor of Arkansas she will most probably WIN and the POST will have to eat CROW the size of the State of Arkansas! God Bless Sarah Sanders and TO HELL with the WASHINGTON POST!


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Come on MAYOR BUTTJIG!!! You want to ban VOTER ID because you and the rest of the whining DEMOCRATS can’t figure out how to beat President Trump on real issues!

It’s comical to watch over 20 DEMOCRATS scream about MUELLER MUELLER MUELLER, COLLUSION, COLLUSION, COLLUSION while the DEMOCRAT controlled HOUSE is trying to re-exam every piece of evidence that was collected by MUELLER over 2 years.

Why can’t you Democrats actually compete with TRUMP? Simple. You don’t get TRUMP. But he gets every one of you and he’s going to wipe the floor with all of you when the time comes, but that time will never come because HILLARY is going to come back because she thinks she can beat him in 2020. She will lose worse than she did in 2016, but that will be fine with me because when she does lose, the Justice Department will open major investigations against ALL DEMOCRATS who for the first term of TRUMP stopped AMERICA from getting things done.

What you don’t see coming is the HOUSE will go back to REPUBLICANS, the SENATE MAJORITY will increase, we will keep TRUMP in the WHITE HOUSE & a Constitutional Amendment will be put forth and approved for TERM 3 FOR TRUMP ONLY!

Smoke that pipe!!!



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Freedom of Press, Speech, of Sam Donaldson…Oh Boy!

There comes a time in the career of some when it’s advisable for them to simply fade away into the sunset and enjoy life. However, there are some that seem to resurface like a bad case of jock itch that no matter how much you spray, they’re just not going to go away.

Sam Donaldson is one of those itches. But Sam Donaldson & Jim Acosta together…HOLY SCHNIKES we need some MAJOR JOCK CLEANING!!!! preferably with a jackhammer and then some quick set concrete to cure the problem once and for fucking all time!

The news media has been RIDING Donald Trump as a Candidate and now as President for over 3 years. They’ve been riding him hard day in and day out. The only people in the press that have been giving him a fair shake are a few select FOX people as well as the entire OANN (ONE AMERICA NEWS NETWORK). Other than that, if TRUMP sneezes when he wakes up, CNN is there to cover it and to do DNA analysis on it to make sure that every single piece of snot is accounted for because “they all were doing PUTIN’s bidding!!! every last one of them!”.

This onslaught of attacks against TRUMP began in 2015 when he and Melania rode the escalator down in Trump Tower to announce that he was running for President on the Republican side. It began right after those words from him which were “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people”. What every NEWS NETWORK got out of that is the following:


and that’s what CNN ran with and has been lying ever since.  Here’s what NBC said that day, June 16th, 2015: “Donald Trump Announces Presidential Bid By Trashing Mexico”. Really? All TRUMP did was state the facts, and the news media proceeded to distort those facts into “TRUMP IS TRASHING MEXICO”. Why didn’t MEXICO rise up and stop all trade with the US at that point? Because they thought HILLARY would win too!!

So every day since that time, especially since TRUMP WON the election, it’s been TRUMP is a TRAITOR, TRUMP COLLUDED WITH RUSSIA, TRUMP needs to go to PRISON! Trump’s FAMILY ARE CROOKS! TRUMP THIS, TRUMP THAT, TRUMP the other. What’s President Trump doing? He’s calling out all of those countries across the planet that have been using the USA for their own personal ATM machine and stealing from us and he’s saying “TIME TO PAY BACK THE USA in CASH!” What’s the PRESS DOING? “TRUMP IS RUINING AMERICA!!!” “ORANGEMANBAD!” and other things I won’t repeat here because some women might be offended at the word FUCK being used in a sentence.

Now the press is screaming about FREEDOM OF SPEECH and FREEDOM OF PRESS because TRUMP said that “THE FAKE NEWS MEDIA IS THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE”. Was he wrong? If you ask the PRESS, he was wrong the day he was born! If you ask people with brains who actually listen to what the President says and what the MEDIA echos back, they would say he’s right & they’re NUTS!

Freedom of speech includes the right:

  • Not to speak (specifically, the right not to salute the flag).
    West Virginia Board of Education v. Barnette, 319 U.S. 624 (1943).
  • Of students to wear black armbands to school to protest a war (“Students do not shed their constitutional rights at the schoolhouse gate.”).
    Tinker v. Des Moines, 393 U.S. 503 (1969).
  • To use certain offensive words and phrases to convey political messages.
    Cohen v. California, 403 U.S. 15 (1971).
  • To contribute money (under certain circumstances) to political campaigns.
    Buckley v. Valeo, 424 U.S. 1 (1976).
  • To advertise commercial products and professional services (with some restrictions).
    Virginia Board of Pharmacy v. Virginia Consumer Council, 425 U.S. 748 (1976); Bates v. State Bar of Arizona, 433 U.S. 350 (1977).
  • To engage in symbolic speech, (e.g., burning the flag in protest).
    Texas v. Johnson, 491 U.S. 397 (1989); United States v. Eichman, 496 U.S. 310 (1990).

    (from US COURTS.GOV)

    Freedom of speech does not include the right:

    • To incite actions that would harm others (e.g., “[S]hout[ing] ‘fire’ in a crowded theater.”).
      Schenck v. United States, 249 U.S. 47 (1919).
    • To make or distribute obscene materials.
      Roth v. United States, 354 U.S. 476 (1957).
    • To burn draft cards as an anti-war protest.
      United States v. O’Brien, 391 U.S. 367 (1968).
    • To permit students to print articles in a school newspaper over the objections of the school administration.
      Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier, 484 U.S. 260 (1988).
    • Of students to make an obscene speech at a school-sponsored event.
      Bethel School District #43 v. Fraser, 478 U.S. 675 (1986).
    • Of students to advocate illegal drug use at a school-sponsored event.
      Morse v. Frederick, __ U.S. __ (2007).


So there are some limits though and that’s what some forget about when they go on their rants.


“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

And we should also add that: The backbone of any democracy is an independent, professional and responsible media. Their role is to inform, criticise and stimulate debate. … For the media to be credible it has to take responsibility for getting its facts right.

The media should report FACTS as NEWS, not CONJECTURE or OPINION, but simply report the facts. They don’t. Today’s MEDIA is OPINION BASED DRIBBLE formed together for SHOCK VALUE and website clicks, nothing more. It’s proven every day by simply putting a tv with FOX news on one channel and right next to it another channel with CNN, turn the sound off, and watch the LOWER THIRD area where they put their “highlights” or “breaking news” scrolling along the bottom. Fox shows some news and CNN simply has the “TRUMP DID THIS WRONG THOUGHT OF THE SECOND”. And they play it over and over again!

Prisoners released without any money paid says FOX, TRUMP KISSED PUTIN’s BUTT says CNN and never anything about the Prisoners being released. It’s just shock value and it’s laced with inaccuracies. How can they get away with it? the FCC no longer has jurisdiction over the content tossed onto the airwaves which is why CABLE “NEWS” has been so successful. They could do an ORSON WELLS redo in today’s lingo and they’d get away with it even if they interspersed “live shots” of what was going on in cities while telling you the world was ending and in the end it could be a complete lie causing millions to die and nothing would happen to CNN or the other networks because they’d find a court (9th circuit anyone) that would side with them and say “they were just reporting the news”. WAKE UP AMERICA and SMELL the MILES OF BULLSHIT CNN IS FEEDING YOU!!!

And then there’s the DOXXING of people that speak against them. Well CNN, I’ll DOXX myself!!!!

Michael Murdock 7904 E Chaparral Rd.,  Suite #A110-446,  Scottsdale, AZ 85250-7367 that’s my address!!! Feel free to be stupid, I need a good laugh.

Keep picking on kids by giving out their home information and people will start hunting down your people at homes, at the stores, at the movies, in the bars, at the spa, sitting in restaurants with their kids eating…You see CNN people are getting fed up with you and your fucking abuse of them, and the tide of being fed up is getting larger and larger and it’s going to come crashing down on you and all of your TRUMP HATING media friends very shortly and it’s going to be very, very painful.

Freedom of the PRESS means RESPONSIBLE REPORTING of FACTS, not making up LIES to DIVIDE AMERICA. My suggestion to you is start changing your business model before it consumes you and leaves you extinct.

Oh and for the last time, TRUMP didn’t collude or conspire with RUSSIA. You can’t OBSTRUCT an investigation into a crime that was not committed but was concocted by the Democratic Party to FRAME TRUMP because HILLARY LOST. Oh and HILLARY LOST!!!! and TRUMP WILL WIN in 2020 by 4 MILLION VOTES!

Michael Murdock, US NAVY VETERAN

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Abortion…Murder…School Shooting…What’s worse?

Headling Read:

In Chicago, 35,000 people have been murdered in 50 years

That was from 1965 – Labor Day 2016. 35,000 people of all races & colors/creeds/sexual preferences.

From 1973 – 2008 there were roughly 54 MILLION ABORTIONS! 328,500 of those per year are BLACK BABIES at a rate of around 900 Black Babies Aborted EVERY SINGLE DAY OF THE YEAR!

There are shootings where more than one person is killed, but if you add those numbers up since 1965, the number of people killed in mass shootings as well as school shootings is FAR LESS than the number of people MURDERED IN CHICAGO since 1965!

Now, the question is why do we have so many gun laws for law abiding citizens when we have people who are killing babies daily at a rate just for Black Babies of 900 PER DAY!!! And DEMOCRATS WANT ABORTION RIGHTS PROTECTED! They want them protected under the guise of HEALTHCARE. Healthcare would be keeping babies alive, not killing them for sport. Not allowing abortions in cases where people are using it as a form of birth control/contraception.

This is a place that AMERICA has gone truly wrong! We should be saving these babies because we literally could be killing off a reincarnation of MLK, JFK, RFK, Einstein, or other greatnesses which God has decided to send back to Earth to redo their lives.

What gets me is that DEMOCRATS when you approach them with these numbers, they say they’re not high enough. There should be MORE ABORTIONS!! Really??? Why not more ADOPTIONS? Well because we don’t know how these people will vote when they grow up so they need to die. WHAT???

Personally, I think we should RETHINK the existence of the DEMOCRATIC PARTY and perhaps we should ABORT IT from our SOCIETY and enact a rule that it can never exist in this country again!

That would make things much better in many ways. While the Republican party or way of life is not perfect, it’s more geared to extending life, than eliminating it daily for sport.

End of Line

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Nervous Nancy…too polite is right!




If you cannot come to a microphone and tell AMERICA what those crimes are (without anyone standing behind you or an earwig in your ear telling you), then you MUST RESIGN YOUR OFFICE BY CLOSE OF BUSINESS TODAY!

Because THIS PRESIDENT whether you like his style or NOT (which MORE AMERICANS VOTED FOR HIM BECAUSE WE LOVE HIS STYLE), has done more for this country in under 4 years than ANY OTHER PRESIDENT has in a VERY, LONG TIME!!! Obama tried to DESTROY AMERICA. You’re HELPING OBAMA. You’re NOT HELPING AMERICA and you really need to get an MRI and spend time with your family while you can still remember their names. I’d be willing to bet you have EARLY STAGE DEMENTIA/SUNDOWNERS & you’re on your path to having ALZHEIMER’s within 1 year. I only know because my ITALIAN MOTHER had it and she got to be as irritable as you, BUT she STILL HAD MORE CLASS in one fingernail that you have in your entire LIFETIME!

Sincerely yours,


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So Bernie Sanders ventures to a WalMart Shareholder’s Meeting and tells them to give their workers higher pay rates and that they should appoint employees to their Board.

What I find interesting about this occurrence is that Bernie and the rest of the Democrats want to repeal all of the tax breaks that the Trump Administration has put into place. So they want companies to raise wages and when those companies do, Democrats want to raise your taxes meaning you really don’t get a raise, but the Democrats get more money to pay themselves and to fund programs that can never be paid for.

AMERICA, Obama planned to DESTROY AMERICA & bring it to its knees in the name of the Prophet Mohammed. WE cannot let that happen! WE must rise up and VOTE FOR TRUMP in 2020 to SAVE OUR REPUBLIC!



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12 years left to live…we must control climate change for the world!

You hear this daily from the other side. We only have 12 years to live because a Bartender from NYC who went to an acting class and suddenly got elected told us that farting cows and our use of gas and planes and everything that actually helps this country run and produce things are destroying the entire planet…

And they say PRESIDENT TRUMP is off his rocker


Climate has been changing since that time long ago when the one known as GOD said “I’ve busted my ass for 6 days, I’m taking this 7th one off, don’t like it? FIRE ME!!!” and he rested on the 7th day and the climate of the UNIVERSE began to shift and change.

What DEMOCRATS fail to realize is that there are OTHER COUNTRIES who are trashing the environment far worse than the US is. What they fail to realize is that those other countries don’t give a damn what Alexandria Opanico-Everywhere-O says about the Earth being destroyed in 12 years. Why? Because they’re not smoking the same rag-weed that she is!! Note: NEITHER is the REST of the PLANET that is NOT a member of the current DEMOCRATIC PARTY of the UNITED STATES.

Yes, there are things that can be done to reduce the amount of carbon being used. Let’s penalize all those DEMOCRATS (and I’ve caught more than 100 in the past 5 years in Arizona) that leave their cars locked and running for NO REASON when they go into a store to get their blended drinks of a VEGAN nature. They claim to want the environment to be clean, but they’re more guilty than others of ruining it and because they are ruining it, we have to suffer. SORRY!!! Every DEMOCRAT caught doing this should be fined $5,000 CASH or have their car repo’d and crushed! Have I ever left my car running like this? NO. NO. NO. and NEVER.

I will ask this once again. Democrats, you all want to penalize AMERICANS to make your CLIMATE CHANGE plans work. What you haven’t told us is how you plan to get all the other countries on the PLANET to adhere to those regulations? You haven’t told us because YOU HAVE NO PLAN! You think AMERICA is the ONLY COUNTRY ON THE EARTH.


So, tell us what you have planned to get those other countries to adhere to lowering their carbon footprints to the levels that we have and we’re not in the Paris Accords because NO OTHER COUNTRY had lowered their levels to where we have. YOU HAVE NO PLAN, THERE IS NO TABLE FOR EVERYTHING TO BE ON. YOU SHOULD NOT BE IN OFFICE.


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I logged in to read this on twitter and stopped to think…”If you hate the flag of the country you’re living in, why not move to another country”? Why not move to a place where you love the flag that flies above you? Why not go where you desire to really be instead of spreading hate and discontent that you have within you for a place that allows you so much more than any other country on the planet Earth?

Because you’re just an angry, miserable human being and are being ignored. I get that. I’ve been ignored and not paid attention to for a long time. Then I did something amazing and people started taking notice of me. Then I did more things and more people took notice…But I’m different in the sense that I was not born in America, I came here and became a citizen, served in the Navy to say THANK YOU to AMERICA for welcoming me in, and I’ve lived under this flag here with great admiration for this country.

I didn’t run from persecution in another country, come to AMERICA and then declare I HATE AMERICA or I HATE THE AMERICAN FLAG. Why would I? When I’m not being held in America as a prisoner, I can travel the world freely and go to any country if I’m not happy here. So to anyone who lives here now who is not a prisoner, if you hate this country and this flag and this Constitution and this Declaration of Independence and the Great Bill of Rights that other countries don’t provide, feel free to pack your bags, donate all of your ‘stuff’ or sell it and LEAVE.

But once you’ve left, don’t call us to come to rescue you when your rights are removed by other countries. Don’t call us to tell us that you’re coming back here to spread your hate or to strap a bomb to your body and kill others because YOU hate it here. WE LOVE IT, which is WHY WE ARE AMERICANS!

WE LOVE AMERICA. WE LOVE WHAT SHE STANDS FOR and WE WILL FIGHT TO PRESERVE OUR REPUBLIC WITH OUR LIVES, unlike those who abandon their nations to come here to trash our country because their country is not trashed enough.

WAKE UP!!! If you don’t like or love America, feel free to GET THE FUCK OUT!


AMERICA! Land of the Free, BECAUSE of the BRAVE!

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So it’s come to my attention that recently a young TRUMP supporter who is NOT WHITE has had his personal information put out on the web because he dared to make fun of the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. (the woman trips over sentences that are written out for her in LARGE TYPE with LOTS OF SPACE IN BETWEEN THEM).

The media does this and feels it’s “THEIR RIGHT” to air the personal information of anyone they want to. They feel they are impervious to this type of activity on themselves. What they don’t realize is that because of them being MEDIA, they have opened themselves up to easily be found out and their personal information tossed out for the Piranha of Humanity to feast on.

Now for the sake of EXAMPLE, I am going to share some information that I found online within mere seconds about an individual who prides themselves on lying about TRUMP and has done so for a NETwork which is still in business. Am I going to reveal their name?

NO. But I’m going to share enough that they could know the rest could be easily found out and shared. Keep in mind, this is one example only and that with a few connections to the dark web, the entire media complex could be revealed in such a way that they would all go underground or leave media completely.

So let’s just toss a few details out:

Age 33, NY, MD, GA, 301-2xx-xxxx 404-8xx-xxxx, Damascus…





Now, you might not think this is much, but know that I’m not even trying hard to do this. There are those out there who could tell you the color of the tile in the bathroom of the Apt and much more, but I’m not one of those people…or am I? I guess you just never know.

The media in their doxxing bullshit is poking a bull that they will regret in a major way unleashing. I can promise you that if they continue doing this they will hit the wrong button and it will boomerang back on them at levels that will literally have them screaming and begging for mercy.

FREE PRESS requires a RESPONSIBLE PRESS. TREAT the privacy of others as you wish yours to be treated. This is NOT a THREAT. It is, however, a PROMISE of reprisal at levels which the peanut sized brains of the Mainstream media will never be able to comprehend.

Be careful what you wish for MSM. AMERICA is watching & we are taking notes, keeping score and ready to hold you very accountable.

Have a nice day, Oh and sleep well…but perhaps away from windows. WINK WINK

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Trump is guilty of a ton of crimes!

What’s funny is that when you ask Democrats to NAME the CRIMES, they will either yell “RUSSIA!!!!” or that “you’re a FUCKING TRUMP SUPPORTER, FUCK YOU!” or they’ll ignore you and say MUELLER FOUND TONS OF CRIMES.

So if MUELLER found tons of crimes, why didn’t Mueller say “TRUMP IS GUILTY OF…” once? twice? three times? four times? five times? He didn’t. He didn’t say TRUMP IS GUILTY OF XYZ crime at all. On the other hand, Ken Starr years ago said that President Bill Clinton was GUILTY 11 times in his press conference and Starr took questions.

If you really truly look back with an open mind. President Obama ignored information from his DOJ, his FBI, his DNI, His CIA, his tarot lady, his dry cleaner, etc who all said: “RUSSIA and OTHERS are interfering in our election process and you need to stop this shit!” His reply to them was “HILLARY WILL WIN, TRUMP WILL LOSE and NO ONE will EVER KNOW. Donald TRUMP will NEVER BE PRESIDENT said NANCY PELOSI “take that to the bank,” Obama told others!

Well, both Nancy & Baracky and many others were very WRONG about TRUMP and he did WIN the Presidency handily with a better campaign than Hillary had and that’s the bottom line! But wait there’s more!

Trump also discovered what the Obama people had said, had ignored and then had tried to use against the Trump Campaign to unseat a duly elected President and to disenfranchise MILLIONS of voters who voted FOR TRUMP and NOT FOR CLINTON!

Now that their deeds are becoming public through declassification, they are like rats trying not to drown and they are going after each other like a pack of wolves deciding to eat all of its members one at a time until only the pack leader is left and in this case the pack leader aka Barack HUSSEIN OBAMA will be the one tried for TREASON and if everything goes as planned will also be EXECUTED FOR TREASON against the REPUBLIC and his name WIPED from the ANNALS of history forever.

So, before you go screaming TRUMP COMMITTED CRIMES, do some research! Democrats created the Russian hoax because HILLARY LOST the election and they decided that AMERICA got it wrong by electing TRUMP so they would make up lies and such to try and get AMERICA to turn on TRUMP and demand he is impeached and removed for his crimes. The only problem is the only ones doing any crime commission are the Democrats and the Attorney General who is a man of integrity is finding this out & has promised America that he will get to the bottom of this and bring back credibility to the JUSTICE DEPARTMENT in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

Thanks for reading!

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