
#straightPROUD yes it’s a thing!

So with all the talk about GAY PRIDE and being GAY and having to fly a FLAG that tells people you’re GAY and when you’re running for President you have to announce that I’M GAY AND I’M RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT, as that is supposed to make you better at the job that others…yeah NO. Your sexual choices are YOUR BUSINESS. Because it’s against the law to discriminate against someone based on their sex or sexual preferences.

There seems to be some desire now to wear being GAY on the sleeve so that the whole world knows that you choose to be GAY. Personally…I don’t care if you’re GAY or STRAIGHT or TWISTED unless you’re pushing that onto kids at an age when they have no idea what is up or down or sideways. Anyway, when you’re an adult, your sexuality and your choices of who you’re screwing or being screwed by is YOUR CHOICE.

I choose STRAIGHT and I AM #straightPROUD So…to tell the world that I created a t-shirt which you can now own. It comes in two variations. One is with black writing the other is with white writing. See the images below. The cost is just $16.00 and the proceeds will help VETERANS who are both STRAIGHT & GAY because picking one over the other is just not right where VETERANS are concerned.

So please purchase one or more today and tell your friends who are straight to be #straightPROUD because if the other side is going to scream that they are GAYPROUD we need to voice our pride in being Straight! After all this is AMERICA and our country is about being different and still being able to get along.

#straightPROUD Black Writing

#straightPROUD White writing

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So did you hear??

JOE WALSH is going to primary against President Trump! Really?? the singer from the Eagles? NO!!! Some guy who thinks he can be TRUMP in the election. So…this guy Walsh does he realize that TRUMP has a 98% approval rating in the party?? Does he realize that TRUMP has done MORE FOR AMERICA than any President since REAGAN? Does he realize that TRUMP has raised MORE MONEY for the party than ANYONE out there? He doesn’t does he.

Well then dig up every single thing that WALSH has ever done starting when he pissed on the doctor when he was born and work forward until this very moment and into the future and end his embarrassing himself.

TRUMP 2020 is the ONLY solution FOR AMERICA. Besides that WALSH guy…he can’t even answer the simple question of DO YOU LOVE AMERICA? YES OR NO?



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HBO? Seriously? CANCER IS NOT A JOKE!!!!

But apparently BILL MAHER believes that it is!




My DAD died of CANCER. Steve Jobs had CANCER. BILL MAHER is a FUCKING ASSHOLE. And that AMERICA is why everyone who has HBO should cancel their subscription TODAY and tell HBO to go FUCK ITSELF because it continues to put that little loud mouth shit on their screen.

FUCK YOU BILL MAHER and the WHORES you rode in on.

Michael Murdock, US NAVY VETERAN

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Are you a Racist Much??


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If I am lyin, I am a dyin!!! Read the picture and you tell me!! twitter suspended my dmmktg account for calling the fat assed fuck Scott Dworkin the HEAD PANSY!!! or maybe it was attaching liberal to pansy and so that’s hate speech against a group?? COME ON TWITTER!!!

You used to be able to call someone a cock sucking sonofabitch and never even get penalized for an hour!! Now you call them a pansy and the account is suspended???

What the FUCK happened to twitter??? TOO MUCH SOY?? I mean give me a damn break!!

And then you suspend another account just because it exists and and you accuse me of creating it to avoid suspension, when it’s been in existence over 9 years as well and was never created for that purpose and you unsuspended it and another account over 2 months ago so you know all 3 that exist…

I am fucking stunned! to say the least. Yes, this is expression of emotion over the lunacy of this suspension. You won’t suspend a democrat for calling everyone every name in the book but you’ll suspend a conservative for something as simple as this tweet.


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Check out the new page by clicking the FREDO link!!! There you can see the one and only FREDO having a FREDO fit!!! It’s funny after calling himself this name so many times on TV, he busts a circuit when someone asks him HEY FREDO can I get a picture?? LOL



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Subscribers! I need your help, please.

I’m asking all of my subscribers to this site, all 10,444 of you for your help. I’m in need of your assistance and I hope and pray this will be the only time that I have to do this. If you are able, and can spare any amount, please come to the site and using the SUPPORT THE SITE area in the right hand sidebar, please contribute to keep this site up and running as well as new content and opinions being posted more often.

I’ve lost a ton of business over the past few years with my very open support of President Trump both as a Candidate and once he became President. It has been very costly and I hate to ask, but I could really use a bit of assistance.

So thanks in advance for your help, if every single subscriber donated just $1 that would be more than enough assistance, but I know that not everyone is in a position to help. I would be willing to post amount updates and when we reach an amount that is equal or even 1/2 of the number of subscribers I would let you know and the donations can cease.

Thanks in advance for your help as my car that I travel in currently needs some major work and I need to have it to get from place to place in this Valley of the Sun that I live in known as Arizona.

God bless you all!

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You asked for it AMERICA!!! I give to the masses!!!


is LIVE and there will be more posted there as time goes along! If you like what you see on the site, please support the site in any amount you can so that I can continue to provide content and opinions for you that are unfiltered, and that support AMERICA FIRST.


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Am going to include an image in this posting that can clarify the title a bit better for you. You see, before Donald Trump aspired to become President, he was LOVED and ADORED by the press. They followed him, they interviewed him, they gave him good press because he was a good little boy following along the script that the globalists dictate those in America need to follow. But then…he decided to break ranks with them and go ROGUE! TRUMP WENT ROGUE and BAM the press was on him like syrup on a double stack of pancakes on a plate in front of JOHN KASICH!!

So the PRESS set out to take every literal syllable that TRUMP utters and dissect it to inject their own interpretation into what he says instead of allowing America to listen to what the President says. “HE winks and he SPEAKS IN CODE!!!” yells JOE BIDEN speaking about President Trump. He’s not speaking in CODE. He’s speaking PLAIN ENGLISH that people understand except DEMOCRATS who think that TRUMP is an agent of…wait for it…RUSSIA!!

Take a look at this picture below and the information contained therein. MEDIA is being PAID TO LIE, DECEIVE & CONTROL AMERICA for GLOBALIST PUPPET MASTERS! They don’t give a flying FUCK about your lives, your kids either born or unborn. You are nothing but a group of cells to them and they’d rather see you dead than alive because they get paid more to report on your death!

TELL THEM YOU KNOW and TELL THEM TO FUCK OFF!!! Once the media realizes that you know they’re gaming you, they will be on guard so you can ride them like Secretariat into the ground and regain your power in AMERICA!! It’s TIME!!! TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY! That’s why TRUMP calls them FAKE NEWS! He’s onto them and they hate that! WAKE UP AMERICA!!!

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So there were two mass shootings…Let’s BLAME TRUMP FOR EVERYTHING!

The title really says it all. The Democratic Party believes that President Donald Trump is to blame for everything that happens in this lifetime. What’s comical about that is that for so long they’ve been telling us that he’s NOT GOD, and yet they want to blame him for things that have happened that he’s not in control of. No matter what that is!

Example: Lightning will strike a tree in a forest somewhere on planet earth tonight and a fire will erupt. You can bet tomorrow that the ENTIRE range of Presidential candidates will be in the headlines: TRUMP HURLS LIGHTNING BOLT and CAUSES OUT OF CONTROL FIRES! Or it will be TRUMP redirects the lightning resources of heaven to cause lightning bolt to start fires. WE MUST IMPEACH TRUMP!!

What’s really tragic in the midst of these events that happen is that the focus by the party that is not Republican is to create MORE GUN LAWS to STOP LAW ABIDING CITIZENS just in case they decide to commit a crime. What’s even MORE TRAGIC is that the party that is NOT REPUBLICAN wants to NOT PUNISH CRIMINALS who use guns in the commission of a crime! Yes, that’s what I said and I only say it because sadly it’s TRUE! They have more interest in closing prisons, releasing prisoners, reducing punishments for crimes committed while at the same time reducing penalties for ILLEGAL BORDER CROSSINGS, and they want to open the border up so that crossing it is a misdemeanor but they never want to charge anyone for coming here illegally. In other words they want the UNITED STATES to no longer be the UNITED STATES because without borders we are not a country. They don’t care. They’re importing a voter base to ensure they take over and turn us over to the Globalists for rule in a NEW WORLD ORDER.

America, if you love your freedom, you must preserve the 2nd Amendment. This is not about the NRA. This is about the BILL OF RIGHTS that was created long ago to keep AMERICA free from a tyrannical government. What the party that is NOT REPUBLICAN are afraid of doing is discussing more strict punishment for criminals who use guns in the commission of crimes. Personally I believe if you commit a crime with a gun, you should be treated the same way you treat your victims. They die, you die, and you die by your same weapon. Yes, that’s tough, but it ends the problem. Then your weapon will be destroyed and the dust from it will be deposited into a volcano and burned into hell, along with your soul. (yes that’s a bit biblical!!! Take it up with my maker!)

MORE LAWS is what the party that is NOT REPUBLICAN wants for those who are not committing crimes so that in order for you to get a gun, you basically have to be a saint and not ready to defend your home, your family, your property because according to liberals it’s theirs to take as they wish.

AMERICA you need to vote to remove the party that is NOT REPUBLICAN from the HOUSE, remove MORE of them from the SENATE and to ENSURE that PRESIDENT TRUMP remains in office until he’s ready to leave the office to save our REPUBLIC!

Those are my thoughts and I am sticking to them. Don’t like them? Take it up with my maker!

Michael Murdock, US NAVY VETERAN

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