The Day Free Speech Died…
Sunday 1/11/21, Parler was taken off the web by Amazon.
This is basically showing that BIG TECH can literally SILENCE MILLIONS.
How long will they be down? Rumor has it that they are getting some server space this week, so we’ll wait to see the site recover.
Right now there are a number of alternatives where conservatives are flocking. They include:
the apps: telegram, signal are also popular. Be careful of accounts that claim to be President Trump. There is much disinformation out there as well. Be guarded with whom you share your information with.
To get your news, check out WarRoomPandemic as well as Populist Press and Citizen Free Press
God bless, God Speed, and may Good triumph over Evil in the end of this battle.
Dear Mike Pence…
Dear Mike,
Your political career is over when Biden says “So help my ALLAH” at his swearing in, or is it “so help me Xi”, because word has it GOD is done with him.
I know I’ll never vote for you if you run for President. I’ll vote for NONE OF THE ABOVE. You had your shot and you blew it bigger than Kamala blowing Willie Brown to get where she got to.
It pained me so much…
It pained me so much…Really REP ANDY KIM? Pained you to clean up something that Democrats planned? WOW! But it didn’t pain you when cities burned over the summer. When police officers were killed. When children were killed. When David Dorn a retired Black Police Captain was murdered by Black men robbing a Black owned business in St Louis on Martin Luther King Blvd of televisions, that he happened to be guarding. You were silent then.
You were against condemning that violence against people. But when protesters get up in your face, all of a sudden things pain you having to clean up. You poor piece of garbage. More people DIED on our streets over the past 4 years because YOU PEOPLE in CONGRESS REFUSED TO CONDEMN THE VIOLENCE! YOU refused to stand up to the black garbed pussies known as Antifa who travel in packs like dogs and never take on people alone because they’d get their asses handed to them. YOU FAILED TO ACT!
BLOOD IS ON YOUR HANDS! Yours and the rest of DEMOCRATS who were too cowardice filled to do something about it. TRUMP TRIED, you blocked him!
AMERICA is coming for your seat in office and will beat you in the races because we desire a REPUBLIC, not a DEMOCRACY overrun by 2 states when there are 50 States that deserve a say in our country.
Project Veritas
This from an email from Project Veritas:
Project Veritas released a new video today exposing Michael Beller, Principal Counsel for The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), for his statements defending violent attacks on the White House, re-education for the children of Trump supporters and praising the deaths of red state voters as a result of COVID-19.
Here are some of the highlights from today’s video:
Michael Beller, PBS principal counsel: “We go for all the Republican voters and Homeland Security will take their children away…we’ll put them into the re-education camps.”
Beller: “Enlightenment camps. They’re nice, they have Sesame Street characters in the classrooms, and they watch PBS all day.”
Beller: “Americans are so f*cking dumb. You know, most people are dumb. It’s good to live in a place [Washington, D.C.] where people are educated and know stuff. Could you imagine if you lived in one of these other towns or cities where everybody’s just stupid?”
Beller: “What’s great is that COVID is spiking in all the red states right now. So that’s great…a lot of them [red state voters] are sick and dying.”
Click the video to view it:
My thoughts on this? Arrest him and lock him up for good.
America United? My Ass JOE BIDEN!
So, 3 people who helped BIDEN steal this election are coming to town to help him celebrate in stealing it.
Yes America, I will say it: THE ELECTION WAS STOLEN! JOE BIDEN IS ILLEGITIMATE to hold the office of President. Cheating does not make you a winner. It makes you a cheater, and it should open lawsuits by anyone in American history who lost anything because they cheated. The democrat party has basically said that CHEATING IS FINE as long as you get caught and can cover it up.
OPEN YOUR EYES AMERICA! There are literally 10’s of 1000’s of pages of evidence that courts are refusing to hear because “Donald Trump tweeted something that hurt my feelings”. That’s literally the excuse being given for cheating on the election and giving it to Biden.
Our country went from being the strongest country on the planet to the weakest in less than 2 months. That’s pretty sad in my book.
If people would turn off the mainstream media and turn on real news sources, they would find out they have been lied to for decades.
MARCH? or Walk to?
AMERICA! Read the words of the President below. They come from an article in the NYTIMES. The ONLY truth from the NYTIMES ARTICLE (I’ll include the link to it so you can read the lies).
They are lying to you DAILY, HOURLY trying to turn you against your own country. The only person not bought by the RED CHINESE in our government right now is President Donald J Trump! He is fighting for GOD & COUNTRY, and they are literally EVIL INCARNATE.
So did President Trump “INCITE TO INSURRECT” as mentioned in the NBC “NEWS” article below this quote? HELL NO! The MEDIA is inciting to overthrow PRESIDENT TRUMP in his last 9 days in office. There should be marches on the Capitol every day this week! Millions marching, and just standing outside yelling for justice for our PRESIDENT who is the one fighting for our freedom!
Happy Monday!
Hope you are all alive and well and breathing as well as thanking GOD for all that is in this universe.
Yes, be thankful for all, the good, the bad, the indifferent.
Put your hand on your heart and say: I AM LOVE, I AM UNDERSTANDING, I MATTER!
*NOTE! Once the goal is reached, this page will go away.*
America! Can you help a VETERAN? I was supposed to have received like many of you, a $600 stimulus. This is what I have seen every time I go to that site. It’s not changed.
If there is any way that some of you can get together and help me raise this money, you’ll be helping me greatly allowing me to keep my phone service turned on so that I can keep getting dog sit gigs and so I can pay a payment on an expensive car repair bill that I had to finance to keep my car running. It’s where I live between my dog sit gigs.
IF you can help, please use one of the following methods with my sincerest thanks & gratitude:
$veteran on CashApp
Michael-Murdock-22 on Venmo
Thanks & God Bless!
Michael Murdock, USNAVY VETERAN
AOC Protested!
and she wasn’t arrested. Why not? Doesn’t that count as insurrection, right outside of Nancy Pelosi’s office while Nancy was sucking down vodka from a cock shaped glass and planning with RED CHINA to sell the USA off to the lowest bidder! But AOC…who can suck a basketball through 50ft of gardenhose without passing out had nothing happen to her, not even censure.