Not a Trump Supporter
Trump supporters don’t do crap like this. They don’t wear all black, they don’t wear helmets, they don’t spit in the faces of cops, they don’t bring shields with them to a rally, they obey the law, and they call out Antifa when they see them!
Part of the problem with the media is it’s easy to blame TRUMP people for everything. What’s interesting about this is this is shot by someone from GETTY IMAGES with a telephoto lens, This is not an telephone camera shot.
Wake up AMERICA! Democrats knew this incursion was coming and they egged it on from January 20th, 2017 when Trump was inaugurated into his first term. Just read the tweet below with regards to Democrats knowing about the event of the 6th of January, they’ve been caught and can’t cover it up. You need to call them out for this.

If by Rudyard Kipling. This was posted by Dan Scavino on twitter November 13, 2020. It’s great in full screen and listen to every single word!
Click to view video
But Biden Got 81 MILLION VOTES?
Just watch, and see. BIDEN got 81 MILLION VOTES. Did he get 81 MILLION LEGAL VOTES? No, he didn’t, and it’s been proven by the math. They hate the math. To them 2+2=5.
Click to view video
I’ve seen the math. I’ve seen a process that is supposed to only increment on a moment’s notice decrement by thousands of votes in an instant. I’ve watched things over and over again and I’ve seen courts turn this away because “they didn’t want people to riot over it”, but those same courts were fine letting people riot in the streets and burn cities down over one man overdosing on fentanyl on a police body cam video. They were fine with that.
Wake up America. You have been sold a bill of goods in Joe Biden that will never be fulfilled. Joe will be removed from office by the 25th Amendment and Kamala Harris will be crowned the first woman President. Then America will truly burn as she sells us off to whoever will pay her the most money for us.
Prediction, in less than 2 years, our borders will be gone, our Navy will be sidelined and sold for scrap, our people will be living on the streets and in the woods while other countries people are freely allowed to come here and kick you from your homes, take all of your things and leave you to die.
Mark my words.
Antifa confesses…
Yes folks this is NOT a TRUMP supporter. Not sure if this nutcase has been arrested as of yet, but he should be if not.
Click to view the video
Broke in?
or were they just let in as the Capitol Police stood by and did nothing to maintain security? Listen to the alarm going off while the cops just stand by and do nothing. Breach my foot! They were let in the doors.
Click to view the video & you be the Judge
Why Impeach?
Simple! Just listen to the head whackjob herself:
Click to view video
Simply put, President Donald J Trump scares the hell out of the establishment. He has cost them billions during the past 4 years and they don’t want him anywhere near Washington DC, ever again!
They want him to have no secret service, no Presidential Library, No pension, etc. They are really just trying to kick this man to the curb for things that they helped plan, helped to happen, and things that they should all be tried for treason for and properly punished for committing that crime.
ANY REPUBLICAN VOTING FOR IMPEACHMENT WILL BE RUN AGAINST and WILL LOSE their race to hold their office as punishment for their defection against the Republican Party and OUR PRESIDENT.
Facts Matter! Right Democrats?
Read this timeline carefully. It spells out clearly what would have had to be followed in DC on the January 6th due to the shear number of people on the streets there that day. Democrats always say Facts Matter, Follow the Science. Well kids…the facts are here and the science says YOU PLANNED THE ATTACK ON THE CAPITOL and the timeline shows that what you’re claiming TRUMP SUPPORTERS DID falls flat…AGAIN!
End of line
and of course there’s this tweet by Sean Davis calling out Representative Cori Bush for creating a brief on the 5th for an event that would take place in the future. Now how did she know it would take place unless it was planned in advance by…Democrats? House Members? Antifa? Also note that Antifa.com points directly to the JoeBiden.com website which means Antifa Supports Joe Biden! Read the tweet below and then bombard the fax number and phone numbers of all representatives.