But Biden Got 81 MILLION VOTES?

Just watch, and see. BIDEN got 81 MILLION VOTES. Did he get 81 MILLION LEGAL VOTES? No, he didn’t, and it’s been proven by the math. They hate the math. To them 2+2=5.

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I’ve seen the math. I’ve seen a process that is supposed to only increment on a moment’s notice decrement by thousands of votes in an instant. I’ve watched things over and over again and I’ve seen courts turn this away because “they didn’t want people to riot over it”, but those same courts were fine letting people riot in the streets and burn cities down over one man overdosing on fentanyl on a police body cam video. They were fine with that.

Wake up America. You have been sold a bill of goods in Joe Biden that will never be fulfilled. Joe will be removed from office by the 25th Amendment and Kamala Harris will be crowned the first woman President. Then America will truly burn as she sells us off to whoever will pay her the most money for us.

Prediction, in less than 2 years, our borders will be gone, our Navy will be sidelined and sold for scrap, our people will be living on the streets and in the woods while other countries people are freely allowed to come here and kick you from your homes, take all of your things and leave you to die.

Mark my words.

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