So Bernie Sanders ventures to a WalMart Shareholder’s Meeting and tells them to give their workers higher pay rates and that they should appoint employees to their Board.

What I find interesting about this occurrence is that Bernie and the rest of the Democrats want to repeal all of the tax breaks that the Trump Administration has put into place. So they want companies to raise wages and when those companies do, Democrats want to raise your taxes meaning you really don’t get a raise, but the Democrats get more money to pay themselves and to fund programs that can never be paid for.

AMERICA, Obama planned to DESTROY AMERICA & bring it to its knees in the name of the Prophet Mohammed. WE cannot let that happen! WE must rise up and VOTE FOR TRUMP in 2020 to SAVE OUR REPUBLIC!



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Nervous Nancy…too polite is right!

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12 years left to live…we must control climate change for the world!