ATTN: Stephen King, Bette Midler, Rob Reiner…etc

WE PAY YOU TO ENTERTAIN US. You are USELESS TO US OTHERWISE. You all said you would leave America IF TRUMP WON! Well…TRUMP WON!!! So…the only thing I have to say to all of you is…pack your BAGS AND GET OUT OF MY AMERICA!!! Go back where you came from!!! If you came from America…Find another country that wants you. WE DON’T. We’re DONE. You’ve worn out your welcome here.

What is comical is you were ALL TRIGGERED and SET ON FIRE by 4 SIMPLE WORDS;


These words have been said by both Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and when they were, you had NO PROBLEM with them.

But NOW they were used by then Candidate Donald Trump & now President Donald Trump and all of a sudden THOSE SAME WORDS are RACIST, HOMOPHOBIC, XENOPHOBIC, PHOBIC-PHOBIC, etc!! Why? Because DONALD TRUMP BEAT HILLARY CLINTON FAIR AND SQUARE in an ELECTION which RUSSIA attempted to interfere in but MULTIPLE AGENCIES have said THEY DID NOT CHANGE 1 VOTE. So their “interference” did NOTHING except alert people to a problem. What’s sad is that DEMOCRATS can’t remove their eyes from RUSSIA even though multiple agencies have said that MULTIPLE COUNTRIES INCLUDING CHINA tried to interfere with our elections.

Now, back to those words, the NAMES that are used against PRESIDENT TRUMP, you can add RACIST, DIVISIVE, STUPID, UNEDUCATED, and a few other things with some really hard core slang in there too! Those things NEVER APPLIED to DONALD TRUMP CITIZEN until he decided he was going to RUN for PRESIDENT.

When did he decide…Probably back in 2011 when OBAMA decided to take a swipe at TRUMP over his “birth certificate” which for some reason anyone who can really verify it is true or not has been killed off and added to the CLINTON BODY COUNT!

TRUMP was LOVED by JESSE JACKSON, lauded by NAPPY HAIRED AL SHARPTOON, and loved by virtually every commentator out there on every single news channel, with the exception of whiny LAWRENCE what the hell that guy’s last name is that only loves himself and his reflection and has a crap fit when the cameras are “in black” over a mouse sneezing.

What DEMOCRATS fail to realize is that the repetitiveness of their accusations do not make them true. They just make them accusations that are unfounded and only perpetuated by the MEDIA, see the latest example below from NBCNEWS which if a MOUSE FARTS on PLUTO, it’s TRUMP’s FAULT!!!

They always CLAIM that there are HARD FACTs, “Very substantial evidence” of “HIGH CRIMES & MISDEMEANORS”. What they leave out is that there are NO CRIMES MENTIONED except OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE. The claimed obstruction is that TRUMP and his administration obstructed the investigation by Mueller and his team into crimes the President had committed. The PROBLEM is that when you ask them “WHAT CRIMES?” the answer is always the same “WELL…YOU KNOW, THOSE CRIMES!”. (see below)

The ONLY CRIME that Donald Trump as a candidate committed was running against the self appointed QUEEN of AMERICA, HILLARY CLINTON who was ENTITLED TO BE PRESIDENT (she thought) because ALL OF HOLLYWOOD and ALL RAPPERS SAID SHE WAS, and because she pandered the hell out of people with hotsauce in her purse, along with condoms and a vibrator collection as well as handcuffs, blackberry’s, iPhones and a hammer just in case!

America had a different idea!

America was TIRED of the OBAMA way of doing things. America was tired of being taken advantage of by other countries. America was tired of being told YOU DIDN’T BUILD THAT! America was tired of being told “THOSE JOBS ARE GONE AND ARE NEVER COMING BACK”. America was tired of being told that we can’t do this or can’t do that, or that MEN need to use the same bathrooms as WOMEN and that Children need to be GAY. AMERICA WAS AND IS TIRED so AMERICA VOTED FOR TRUMP! and AMERICA did so in such a way that EVERY OPPONENT FELL to DONALD TRUMP and in the end, he WON the ELECTORAL COLLEGE VOTE. Not for himself, but FOR AMERICA!!!

The ONLY President in the past 8 years that is FOR AMERICA is PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP!

What is going on now is that EVERY SINGLE WORD that comes from our President is being scrutinized by the media and then used in propaganda to try and swerve the electorate to vote against him. What Democrats don’t realize is that AMERICA is even more tired of the lies and the deceit. Many Democrats have decided to join the WALK AWAY campaign to leave the Democrat plantation and join the TRUMP FREEDOM EXPRESS towards a FREE AND PROSPEROUS AMERICA!!!

If you love AMERICA. If you don’t want to see America changed into another part of the Globalist’s Dream of World Domination. If you believe in FREEDOM, LIBERTY, the RIGHT TO KEEP & BEAR ARMS, The CONSTITUTION as WRITTEN, THE BILL OF RIGHTS as WRITTEN, THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE as WRITTEN…THEN VOTE FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP to a 2ND TERM IN OFFICE IN 2020. ALSO VOTE FOR EVERY REPUBLICAN YOU CAN for THE HOUSE and the SENATE so that we can CLEAN SWEEP ALL of those things in 2020 and politely but firmly kick the DEMOCRATS TO THE CURB and RESCUE AMERICA from the SOCIALISM HAMMER & SICKLE that they want to fly over all of our heads!

Then we can work on TRUMP TERM 3!!!

Thanks for reading and for loving AMERICA as I DO!!!



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MuellerTime…Nope! Mumbling Old Codger Time is more like it!!!

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AMERICA! Bernie Sanders believes…well you can read.