Attention New Twitter Followers!

Thanks for following me on twitter. I will be back live on twitter posting on Wednesday of this week! Just wanted you to know that I am posting from my website to get caught up on some posting here that I have wanted to do for some time. When I post here, it posts on twitter so if you see something pop onto twitter from me today and tomorrow, it’s from this site.

I created this site as a response to HILLARY NOT ACCEPTING THE RESULTS OF THE 2016 ELECTION, hence the name Accept Election. I post all kinds of things here and you will from time to time find an explicit posting where I let loose with both barrels and express how I really feel about things. So…if you don’t mind that, please follow the site, if you do…then get the fuck out of here! See!! Direct, uncensored Michael Murdock is what people like and love and ask for more of.

So thanks for reading, thanks for telling others about this space, and thanks for coming back from time to time to read the shit that I post here! If you can support the site in any amount, please do as I don’t make money from running the site, I make money when people donate to help out. It helps me to pay the hosting bills, keep the heater on and keep gas in the car! Thanks in advance for believing in me and thanks for your support of President Trump because that’s who I support.

Have a great day.


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Tammy Bruce is RIGHT!! Do not presume the COUP IS DEAD! It’s NOT

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Happy President’s Day! & 48DARK!