America United? My Ass JOE BIDEN!

So, 3 people who helped BIDEN steal this election are coming to town to help him celebrate in stealing it.

Yes America, I will say it: THE ELECTION WAS STOLEN! JOE BIDEN IS ILLEGITIMATE to hold the office of President. Cheating does not make you a winner. It makes you a cheater, and it should open lawsuits by anyone in American history who lost anything because they cheated. The democrat party has basically said that CHEATING IS FINE as long as you get caught and can cover it up.

OPEN YOUR EYES AMERICA! There are literally 10’s of 1000’s of pages of evidence that courts are refusing to hear because “Donald Trump tweeted something that hurt my feelings”. That’s literally the excuse being given for cheating on the election and giving it to Biden.

Our country went from being the strongest country on the planet to the weakest in less than 2 months. That’s pretty sad in my book.

If people would turn off the mainstream media and turn on real news sources, they would find out they have been lied to for decades.

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