AMERICA! Bernie Sanders believes…well you can read.

Below is a tweet below that Bernie Sanders put out and my reply to that tweet of idiocy.

“IF you are offended by firm language, GOOD!!! Be offended! Because the First Amendment does not only apply to DEMOCRATS. It applies to those of us who actually have brains and want AMERICA to remain free.”

Because there is actual science out there that says that Climate Change has been going on since God ended the 6th day and rested on the 7th. Now of course if you don’t believe in God…then well…Climate Change happens constantly. Years ago it was was “We need to develop new forms of energy because we’re going to be going through an ICE AGE and we’ll all freeze to death!”. What happened? We had some freezing and waves of freezing and eventually things warmed up for a few years and people were happy. After the DEEP FREEZE, the Earth warmed up a bit and now we’re all going to be killed by heatwaves!!! but next year…we’ll probably be screaming because it will be so damned cold and Democrats will say “WE NEED TO PREVENT FREEZING WEATHER, WE NEED GLOBAL WARMING!” What happens with Democrats is that whichever way the wind blows is the way they turn!

Now, the other thing to remember is that Bernie says that’s a common enemy. What Bernie wants to do is to destroy the economy of the United States to pad his pockets and all other Democrats pockets while claiming to want to make wage equality across the board or every working or non working person in this country. He can’t say American because that goes against the global narrative of OPEN BORDERS, NO PASSPORTS, NO DEPORTATIONS, EVERY PERSON FOR THEMSELVES lack of security world he wants us to live in until we’re killed off. I say…FUCK BERNIE SANDERS and the DEMOCRATIC PARTY!

What Bernie leaves out is that there are countries out there with people in them that say FUCK BERNIE TOO, ALL WE WANT IS TO DESTROY AMERICA WITH NUKES! Bernie thinks they want to shake hands. They want to bend him over and make him bark like a dog while they give him a proctology exam using the band and the football team in the same session! They don’t give a damn about CLIMATE CHANGE and they show that. Democrats want US to bear all of the work and expense for all their programs, but they have no plan on how to get the international community onboard to help out. Wait! he does support Paris Accords. RIGHT NOW, the United States is well below the required limits of Carbon within the Paris Accords. Other nations exceed those limits. Democrats have no plan how to penalize other nations. We can’t control what they do. If they break an agreement…we sanction them? They say PISS ON AMERICA, launch a few Nukes and all that work on Carbon reduction vanishes in a microsecond flash.

Picture below is BEFORE the Hiroshima BOMB hit August 6th 1945.

An aerial view of Hiroshima, some time before the atom bomb was dropped on this Japanese city. (AP Photo)

and then…

An aerial view of Hiroshima, some time after the atom bomb was dropped on this Japanese city. (AP Photo)


Notice there are not many buildings standing. This is NOT CLIMATE CHANGE. This is an airburst bomb which exploded approx 1900 ft above the ground for maximum damage and dispersal of radiation. This bomb was 15 KILOTONS of explosive. Now imagine a 15 MEGATON Bomb which is basically 15,000 KILOTONS. There are people working on putting weapons into small packages/suitcases that carry more explosive power than the bombs that destroyed Hiroshima & Nagasaki COMBINED. But Bernie wants to work on Climate change. I want to work on making sure someone doesn’t ship one into Seattle, San Francisco, Long Beach, Los Angeles, New York, Texas or other harbors and decide to detonate them.

This is a model of the bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima. They called it Little Boy. It can be carried in a VAN now. Not under the wing of an airplane.

Fear monger!!! RACIST! HOMOPHOBE, XENOPHOBE, etc the names will fly! FUCK ALL OF THEM! This is REALITY. It’s not imaginary and we need to prepare for it. 

AMERICA needs to find ways to prevent someone else from destroying our home. God is watching over us and Climate Change is not going do it anytime soon.

Thanks for reading!

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