
So…remember back in 2019/2020 when the Plandemic began? We asked, who should get tested. First it was:

“We need EVERYONE to get tested whether you have symptom or not”. Now WHY would you want people tested for something they have no symptoms for?

Then the testing centers got overwhelmed and they ran out of the first batch of test kits so more were ordered from…Oh gee…RED CHINA where the virus originated from! What happened when the next kits arrived from RED CHINA they were found to be tainted with COVID19!!

AND!!! How could RED CHINA produce a testing kit for a virus that they said did NOT originate in their country, but originated in the United States? Hmmm…is it possible that the virus actually did originate in RED CHINA and that they were able to produce a testing kit faster because they had already isolated components of the virus that they could test for? That seems more probable than anything else.

So then time goes along into and through 2020, and people get tested, isolated, some die, some recover, and too many recover so along comes THE DELTA VARIANT!!! and more people die, more people recover, more people get tested who aren’t sick are then told they tested “Positive” for COVID19 and the panic ensues yet again!!!

So more time goes by and 2020 is coming to an end and what happens? More people are getting well, places are opened up, businesses are making a profit once again, life is starting to return to normal and BAM!!! another VARIANT, this one called “OMICRON” which if you rearrange the letters spells out “MORONIC”.

Yes AMERICA and WORLD, they the elites feel you are MORONIC in nature so they rearranged things to spell OMICRON because “well those people will never figure out what we’re doing so let’s just do it”.


Now that OMICRON aka MORONIC variant is out, here’s what you need to know. It’s symptoms are basically the same as a common cold. They are not like covid19 the original or the DELTA variant. They were supposed to be worse than the first two items that were released by OMICRON is less harmful, yet more contagious meaning many people will get what is basically a common cold from this.

How do you treat OMICRON??


Today, there was something posted on Apple News that caught my eye:

Omicron Bullshit

The CDC “CUT” the recommended isolation period? For this virus that is supposed to be so deadly that we need to shut down economies, schools, hospitals, shopping, living, life, etc???

If this thing is not about CONTROL, POWER, MONEY, and the ELITES getting more wealthy off the vaccines, then WHY CUT anything?

I say if the Govt wants people isolated, give everyone out there $100,000 per month to live on and lock them in their homes! For that amount of money, you could put me in a nicely decked out TINY HOUSE with HIGH-SPEED INTERNET, a WIDE SCREEN TV, and my computers, and I’d never leave it for a year or two because Amazon or whoever would be bringing my groceries and supplies to me by the hour!!!

NOTE for ANY COMPANY OUT THERE wanting to challenge me to live that way for a year or two, let’s work out the figures and do it. I love a good challenge!

The bottomline here is that the ELITES around the globe are scared because there are people waking up everywhere and demanding answers from them about why they are trying so desperately to destroy our lives. All we want to do is live in freedom and not be subjugated by them. They need to get over themselves before people really get pissed off and start taking out their aggression on them instead of each other.

Now wouldn’t that be an awesome switch…

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