Abortion…Murder…School Shooting…What’s worse?

Headling Read:

In Chicago, 35,000 people have been murdered in 50 years

That was from 1965 – Labor Day 2016. 35,000 people of all races & colors/creeds/sexual preferences.

From 1973 – 2008 there were roughly 54 MILLION ABORTIONS! 328,500 of those per year are BLACK BABIES at a rate of around 900 Black Babies Aborted EVERY SINGLE DAY OF THE YEAR!

There are shootings where more than one person is killed, but if you add those numbers up since 1965, the number of people killed in mass shootings as well as school shootings is FAR LESS than the number of people MURDERED IN CHICAGO since 1965!

Now, the question is why do we have so many gun laws for law abiding citizens when we have people who are killing babies daily at a rate just for Black Babies of 900 PER DAY!!! And DEMOCRATS WANT ABORTION RIGHTS PROTECTED! They want them protected under the guise of HEALTHCARE. Healthcare would be keeping babies alive, not killing them for sport. Not allowing abortions in cases where people are using it as a form of birth control/contraception.

This is a place that AMERICA has gone truly wrong! We should be saving these babies because we literally could be killing off a reincarnation of MLK, JFK, RFK, Einstein, or other greatnesses which God has decided to send back to Earth to redo their lives.

What gets me is that DEMOCRATS when you approach them with these numbers, they say they’re not high enough. There should be MORE ABORTIONS!! Really??? Why not more ADOPTIONS? Well because we don’t know how these people will vote when they grow up so they need to die. WHAT???

Personally, I think we should RETHINK the existence of the DEMOCRATIC PARTY and perhaps we should ABORT IT from our SOCIETY and enact a rule that it can never exist in this country again!

That would make things much better in many ways. While the Republican party or way of life is not perfect, it’s more geared to extending life, than eliminating it daily for sport.

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