GOP…the GRAND OLD PARTY is what it used to be called!

Now, perhaps we should change the name to the GIGANTIC OLD PUSSY’S! Why? because in this Republican Voter’s mind, they’re doing nothing much other than cowering to the demands of the DEMOCRATS. the GOP acts like they are powerless, so they VOTE along with DEMOCRATS against the will of the American People. That makes them GIGANTIC PUSSIES!

What can be done about the Gigantic Old Pussy Party?

We can VOTE THEM OUT! Replace them with Patriots that are willing to FIGHT FOR AMERICA and not AGAINST AMERICA! Get rid of the RINOs (Republican In Name Only Shitheads) and ensure that only those who are TRUE CONSERVATIVES are let into the party. No more of these stealthy trojan horse people. If they are found to be trojan horses, fake conservatives, then destroy their lives, make them miserable, make they wish they had never had the idea to join the party and lie their way through it. How? We know ways to do this that don’t need to be discussed in an open forum such as this one. Yes, you know what I mean exactly, and if you find out for certain they are paid by SOROS, then you out those facts so that they are not able to live in their same town, state, etc., make their lives miserable. When we start making examples of this trash the way Democrats would if they found a Republican infiltrator, then we’ll stop having RINOs infest the party. They’ll be too damned chicken to do so.

What about this coming election?

We need to pray on so many levels that the current GOP is able to get its act together enough to actually win this thing, win the HOUSE, increase the margin in the SENATE and that President Trump wins the White House with Mike Pence, or that at the Convention that JFK Jr. comes forward and really blows the doors off things in such a way that Q and other theories come to light in a HUGE way showing AMERICA that things have been right all along and that the only party trying to piss on the parade of life is the Democrat Party. That would be the ultimate event and that would solidify forever the place of REPUBLICANS as THE PARTY to be a part of.

Those are my thoughts on this for the moment.

Uncle Murdock

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