Surrender your guns or we will NUKE YOU????

REP ERIC SWALLWELL, I call him SWALLOWWELL because this MORON has literally gone off the edge with respect to trying to enforce gun control to the point of confiscation from law abiding citizens of their semi-automatic weapons, and if they refuse to give them up, Swallwell has said “The Govt has NUKES, they’re legit & we can use them”. (Actually you can’t bitch, because you don’t have the access codes & thank GOD NO ONE would give them to you!)

REALLY??? YOU ignorant motherfucker!!!! You’re threatening to unleash NUCLEAR WEAPONS & KILL MILLIONS to confiscate guns from law abiding citizens who are guaranteed the Right to KEEP & BEAR ARMS UNDER THE SECOND AMENDMENT and THAT RIGHT SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

Personally, I think you should be dragged out in handcuffs by the FBI, your home computers should be searched for connections to terrorist organizations, you should be fitted with an ankle monitor and also be put in for an MRI to determine brain damage, also to see what medications you’re taking, and be evaluated for a trip to GITMO and interrogated in the most severe ways possible because you are off the fucking reservation!

Yeah, we need people like Swallwell in Washington DC in any position of responsibility…NO WAY!!! This guy keeps claiming there is proof of Russian Collusion for over 2 years and still has yet to deliver a shred of it. He’s been challenged to debate about things he claims are true and he avoids those opportunities because you merely have to ask him one question and instantly the blabbering goes on and he says nothing while blabbering for 10-15 minutes at a time into Joe Kennedy Full Spittle mode. It’s comical to watch.

I have a message for Swallwell. You want to take guns from law abiding citizens, you may want to do the following things beforehand:

  1. Call friends
  2. Wear Armor
  3. Bring extra Ammo
  4. Update your beneficiaries before making the trip.

Law abiding citizens are not going to surrender their weapons because that’s why the 2nd Amendment was created. To repel tyranny and you and your threats of nuclear holocaust are exactly why that Amendment is important.


Michael Murdock, US NAVY VETERAN & MORE than willing to die to defend MY CONSTITUTION.

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