Don’t Try to Save MY AMERICA!

Listening as I could to the news at some point this weekend I heard the most ludicrous of statements coming out as having been said by some people who are no longer with the TRUMP Administration. They were removed for various reasons, or they left because they weren’t PRESIDENT. To that end I say TOUGH SHIT! You’re GONE, MOVE ALONG.

But when I hear they’ve conveyed to people that “We were on on a mission to save America from Donald Trump”, I think…WHAT IN THE HELL are these people smoking, drinking, or having sex with! You’re not trying to save MY AMERICA. I don’t want you to! I LOVE MY AMERICA. Why? Because I voted proudly FOR DONALD TRUMP to SAVE what was AMERICA under BARACK OBAMA and to MAKE AMERICA GREATER!!! Not just GREAT AGAIN!

What YOU are trying to do is to save a version of AMERICA that BARACK OBAMA wanted which was NOT AMERICA at ALL. His intention was to destroy AMERICA and bring it to its knees so it could be handed over to the control of the UNITED NATIONS and then a GLOBALIST RULING POWER! THANK GOD for DONALD TRUMP realizing this and RUNNING against HILLARY CLINTON so that HE COULD actually SAVE AMERICA from being destroyed!

The interesting thing is, WE DIDN’T VOTE for GENERAL KELLY or for REX TILLERSON or for NIKKI HALEY to “SAVE AMERICA” or “BE PRESIDENT”. We voted for the OUTSIDER, the BUSINESS MAN, the MAN who is by no means perfect, but he’s ONE HELL OF A LOT MORE SUITED for MAKING AMERICA GREATER than ANY OF THE OTHER 3! BY A LONGSHOT HE’s BETTER SUITED! and whether or not you like his tweeting…many don’t, to me they don’t matter. What does matter is he’s said things, made promises and delivered on them. He would be delivering on more of them if the DEMOCRATIC party wasn’t standing in the way because the REPUBLICAN party decided to be so far off message that they’d LOSE the MIDTERMS and put DEMS into the HOUSE so they could IMPEACH TRUMP because of HIS SUCCESSES!

Now, go back and read that paragraph again and let it sink in. YES the GOP tanked the MIDTERMS because they thought that the SENATE would fall too and that TRUMP would be impeached and removed because BOTH PARTIES are losing money due to TRUMP’s success! It’s scary and sad to think that this could happen in this country, but it is and we have the power to change it. We need a government here that works FOR THE PEOPLE. We vote them in, they are supposed to work for us to make our lives better, not to make them more difficult, and not to give the benefits of our labor to other countries before they are given to us the people who hired those in Congress! They FORGET THAT until it’s election time and they want to beg for the votes!

AMERICA, the SWAMP that has existed in Washington DC is not going to be clean in just ONE term of TRUMP. It’s going to take at least TWO terms, if not THREE TERMS of TRUMP to get things weeded out enough that the next Republican administration won’t screw things up. If I had my say about it, I’d vote for TRUMP to remain PRESIDENT until the day he decided he was done, and then he could abdicate to one of his kids to take over!!

When I feel strongly about something, I create a shirt to speak about what it is I am feeling. This morning when I tweeted the following, it generated a response so I created a shirt. Below is the tweet!!! and I’m also including a link to the shirt if all of this resonates with you and you want to buy one. All sales of this shirt benefit not just this Veteran but other Veterans as well.

The tweet:

Funny how people are coming out saying “WE WERE TRYING TO SAVE THE COUNTRY FROM TRUMP”. So far, the ONLY people SCREWING the COUNTRY UP are those trying to SAVE IT FROM TRUMP who wants to MAKE AMERICA GREATER!!! So STOP TRYING TO SAVE US from WHAT IS WORKING! 

And now the shirt!! Which is available in different colors and styles as well!

Thanks for reading and for buying and for sharing with others. If you’re in media, pleas share this out there to all of your followers. If someone has the ear of the President, please share this with him as well.

Michael Murdock, US NAVY VETERAN


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