Day of…SPACEX?

So I was discussing my recent post about the Day of the Tesla’s with a friend of mine and while sharing with them about that posting, something else came into my head…Elon Musk owns SPACE X. SpaceX makes ROCKETs…Rockets are computer controlled…so…what if…

The day was sunny, not a cloud in the sky near the launch pad. The countdown had been going for more than an hour and was ticking down bit by bit…all was looking nominal as they say for a great launch of what we were told was a satellite into space by SpaceX.

The company had been doing well, but recently had come under scrutiny of the government for certain…actions that it had taken in the marketplace, forcing out competition as well as some questionable trade practices. Once again Elon Musk was under a microscope even though he’d been cleared of the recent DAY OF THE TESLAs events, passing off the hacking of the systems there to some disposable employee who was now locked up in prison for 100 lifetimes.

TMinus 10 minutes to launch the announcer sounded over the loud speaker system…Elon was standing with some people discussing the contents of the rocket, what would happen in the next few minutes and what kinds of plans the company had for the next launch after this one, he was very excited because the launch following this one would introduce nanobots into outer space where they could set out to assemble the first BOT BUILT spacestation.

TMinus 5 minutes…all attention turned to the windows where the rocket could be seen on the pad with clouds of mist coming out of various pipes, all of this perfectly normal, things were venting as they should be, all was good or as the announcer just said…all systems nominal…

TMinus 1 minute to launch…final systems checks…30 seconds to launch…29…Main Engine start…25…all systems go…15 seconds…main engines at 110%…10…9…8…7…6…5…4…3…2…1….LIFTOFF of SPACEX FALCON 9 and the new satellite which will provide enhanced 5G network accesses across the North and South Poles of the planet!

Applause could be heard inside Mission Control, people were lining up to shake Elon’s hands as his smile was quite broad at the sight of the rocket climbing, climbing high into the clouds.

3 minutes into flight, Speed 12x the speed of sound…all systems still go…altitude…5 miles downrange…everything looks really good sir, this launch has been flawless as we had planned.

Elon looked at his Apple Watch Series 9 and smiled again as he saw a reminder flash across the screen “REMIND ME TO CRASH THE ROCKET” it said. He quickly dismissed the reminder, and excused himself to run to the restroom.

The crowd in mission control was still fixed on the screens there when moments later something completely unexpected happened. The rocket which had been flying without issues heading to space erupted into what appeared to be a ball of flames…but that’s what we were meant to think as signals to cameras went black, total signal loss.

Technicians were working hard to bring the video back on in, not sure what had happened, and then…to the horror of everyone in Mission Control…except Elon, the video flashed on just in time to show the Rocket speeding down from the sky and right into the White House, a ball of flame erupted and then the unthinkable happened, a massive explosion and a huge ball of fire followed by a mushroom….cloud…what in the…hell happened???

Then the video flashed and a news announcer came on the screen:

LADIES & GENTLEMEN….The President of the United States

WHAT!!! SCREAMED MUSK!!! I KILLED HIM!!! Elon yelled!! Him and that FUCKING SEC!!!!

The announcer continued “was NOT in the WHITE HOUSE when the bomb exploded”

The doors to Mission Control burst open and in stormed a TEAM of SEALS “EVERYONE ON YOUR KNEES NOW!!!”, Elon turned to run and BAM was tackled to the floor by the team lead who informed him that “Under orders of the President of the United States, you are hereby declared a traitor and are under arrest, you don’t get an attorney and you are being sent to GITMO RIGHT NOW!”

Musk was lifted up and you could see this evil smile on his face as he yelled out “KILL CODE “KILL ALL NOW” – that code took control of all computers in the building, launched a slew of rockets which sought out all TESLA facilities across the planet and destroyed them, it also commanded all TESLA autos to engage autodrive and to kill as many people as they could, as fast as they could…across the planet.

Musk was executed that day because as the President put it, he tried it before, he tried it again, and he’s not going to get a third time.

America was in shock at the destruction of the White House. A vigil was held that evening where the building had once stood, hundreds of thousands flocked there to be part of the event.

Somewhere far away, in a secluded bunker, the President and the first family (who were also not in residence at the time of the event) sat watching tv when the phone rang. The President answered and his face went pale as he listened…

“MR PRESIDENT, It’s ELON MUSK. You killed my primary clone today at GITMO…I’m BACK!”


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