You’re a RACIST!!!! Beto Screamed!! YOU SUPPORTED TRUMP!!

You supported TRUMP, you’re a racist BETO SHOUTS while shaking his finger ala BERNIE SANDERS STYLE!! in his amped up style he bounces around like someone on hot concrete with no shoes on, hop, skip, hop, jump…it’s like a non verbal form of Tourette’s the BETO SHUFFLE is.

Now, what BETO, AKA EL-FAKE-O-MEXICANO fails to realize is that he has just insulted EVERY SINGLE PERSON who voted for TRUMP, is VOTING for TRUMP, is DEMOCRAT and thinking of VOTING FOR TRUMP and they are persons of both real sexes, 1,000 fake sexes, ALL  races, creeds, colors, LGBTQIA and TRANS too!!

AMERICA! What you need to know is that EVERY DEMOCRAT is just like BETO! They ONLY want your votes and don’t give a damn about you. They will turn on you with the whistle of a breeze blowing by and they don’t want the best for you and for AMERICA. They want only what puts money into their pockets by taking money from yours.

You’re going to do far better in 2020 by voting for TRUMP to be in office another 4 years, than by voting for ANY democrat out there. Do the smart thing, check out those on the WALK AWAY CAMPAIGN on twitter and facebook as well.

WAKE UP, PAY Attention to what places like OANN ( ) say about the news as they are more trustworthy than FOX, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC and others. OANN is far more accurate and not opinionated.


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