Ding…Dong…Mrs. Clinton…

Mrs Clinton we regret to inform you that Jeffrey Epstein is dead, said the Policeman as he spoke to the former Secretary of State when she opened the door. What the cop saw was a party going on inside the home with a banner that said “WE GOT HIM!” and people jumping around with shirts on that read JEFF’S DEAD!

The cop pressed the button on his microphone and said “Headquarters, you were right, THEY DID IT!”

And then the shit hit the fan…

Of course that’s the ideal situation, but it hasn’t happened yet. Will it? doubtful. Will anyone abused by Epstein ever be free of that? Doubtful. They could choose to let go, but hanging onto something painful in life can be a way of coping with everything else in life sadly.

For them we pray. For Epstein…God will judge him as he does the rest of us when we leave this lifetime. 

Or…did he simply get drugged and get rescued to a secure location deep below DC where he can be arraigned, and listened to for hours and hours so that all the players can truly be revealed…

Time will tell. 

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