So there were two mass shootings…Let’s BLAME TRUMP FOR EVERYTHING!

The title really says it all. The Democratic Party believes that President Donald Trump is to blame for everything that happens in this lifetime. What’s comical about that is that for so long they’ve been telling us that he’s NOT GOD, and yet they want to blame him for things that have happened that he’s not in control of. No matter what that is!

Example: Lightning will strike a tree in a forest somewhere on planet earth tonight and a fire will erupt. You can bet tomorrow that the ENTIRE range of Presidential candidates will be in the headlines: TRUMP HURLS LIGHTNING BOLT and CAUSES OUT OF CONTROL FIRES! Or it will be TRUMP redirects the lightning resources of heaven to cause lightning bolt to start fires. WE MUST IMPEACH TRUMP!!

What’s really tragic in the midst of these events that happen is that the focus by the party that is not Republican is to create MORE GUN LAWS to STOP LAW ABIDING CITIZENS just in case they decide to commit a crime. What’s even MORE TRAGIC is that the party that is NOT REPUBLICAN wants to NOT PUNISH CRIMINALS who use guns in the commission of a crime! Yes, that’s what I said and I only say it because sadly it’s TRUE! They have more interest in closing prisons, releasing prisoners, reducing punishments for crimes committed while at the same time reducing penalties for ILLEGAL BORDER CROSSINGS, and they want to open the border up so that crossing it is a misdemeanor but they never want to charge anyone for coming here illegally. In other words they want the UNITED STATES to no longer be the UNITED STATES because without borders we are not a country. They don’t care. They’re importing a voter base to ensure they take over and turn us over to the Globalists for rule in a NEW WORLD ORDER.

America, if you love your freedom, you must preserve the 2nd Amendment. This is not about the NRA. This is about the BILL OF RIGHTS that was created long ago to keep AMERICA free from a tyrannical government. What the party that is NOT REPUBLICAN are afraid of doing is discussing more strict punishment for criminals who use guns in the commission of crimes. Personally I believe if you commit a crime with a gun, you should be treated the same way you treat your victims. They die, you die, and you die by your same weapon. Yes, that’s tough, but it ends the problem. Then your weapon will be destroyed and the dust from it will be deposited into a volcano and burned into hell, along with your soul. (yes that’s a bit biblical!!! Take it up with my maker!)

MORE LAWS is what the party that is NOT REPUBLICAN wants for those who are not committing crimes so that in order for you to get a gun, you basically have to be a saint and not ready to defend your home, your family, your property because according to liberals it’s theirs to take as they wish.

AMERICA you need to vote to remove the party that is NOT REPUBLICAN from the HOUSE, remove MORE of them from the SENATE and to ENSURE that PRESIDENT TRUMP remains in office until he’s ready to leave the office to save our REPUBLIC!

Those are my thoughts and I am sticking to them. Don’t like them? Take it up with my maker!

Michael Murdock, US NAVY VETERAN

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