This Country will NEVER be a COUNTRY of WHITE PEOPLE…

she said. She? Yes, Ilhan Omar. The “Congresswoman” from Minnesota. What’s interesting is that if you’re a Congressman or Congresswoman you’re supposed to actually do something for your constituents and not just mug for cameras your various forms of headgear while talking about God which is not part of the strict muslim religion you claim to be a part of.

She has done none of those things. But the statement by her that “This country will never be a country of white people” is completely racist and off the hook wrong. AMERICA is a MELTING POT of people of ALL RACES, ALL COLORS, ALL CREEDS. It is truly sickening to think that this many years after Martin Luther King Jr marched to break through the barriers of color that the Democratic party is slamming down a spike of racism that is so rampant it is dividing this nation in every single city! They are doing everything they can to divide us and blame it on TRUMP! Don’t LET THEM!


Democrats are coloring everything. They have a NEED to do this because their plans are to keep people down. They are looking to take away more from America than they want to bring to it. The only thing that can stop their onslaught of utter stupidity and angst against all people is to re-elect President Trump in 2020, take back the House of Representatives, increase the margin in the Senate for Republicans, and then reclaim our country!

When are confronted by them now, push back. Stand your ground, and make sure they know you’re done being their victim. They are thinking they rule the world. No, they don’t and when they make statements about being from other countries, maybe they would be comfortable returning to those countries. Make sure when they do that they surrender their US passport and citizenship so that they can’t come back in.

AMERICA is a great country and it’s one that belongs to HER people, her LEGAL people or those who are truly seeking asylum who will go to the legal points of entry because they know that’s where they need to go to do things the right way and not just jumping over the border.

More people were deported under the Obama administration than have been under the Trump administration. All of the showboating by Democrats is basically “RUSSIA DIDN’T WORK, TRY THIS!”

Don’t let them get away with this garbage. We are AMERICA, WE ARE BETTER THAN THIS!

VOTE REPUBLICAN ACROSS OR DOWN THE BALLOT and MAKE SURE WE WIN!!! Then the fun begins as Democrats will not be able to stop us from MAKING AMERICA GREATER!!

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AMERICA! Bernie Sanders believes…well you can read.

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