Love has no labels they say…really?

There’s a commercial out on tv now that talks about LOVE HAS NO LABELS.

BULLSHIT! Just because you have JOHN CENA in your ads who is a great guy and a known brand and all doesn’t mean that what he’s saying is true.

If AMERICA was more than labels, we’d eliminate things such as WHITE, BLACK, LGBTQIABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ from our language and we’d all be AMERICANS who were here in this large melting pot for the greater good of all who are here, but we’d never forget our heritage. This country is made up of immigrants. It always has been. BUT it was always created to be a space of LEGAL immigrants and those TRULY seeking asylum from terror etc, not just coming to our border dressed to the nines and saying “I’m seeking asylum from the OOMPA LOOMPAS because they yelled at me, hurt my feelings and DAMMIT YOU HAVE TO LET ME IN!” and then because of the laws we have in place currently, they tap that toe across the border and we by law that we follow have to take them in.

They look over their shoulder, whistle and 100,000 more charge the border and do the same routine, and all of a sudden our systems are overrun, there’s not enough humans to do the work to process them, so they’re given a card and a date to come back and they walk off flipping off the border people and never show for their hearing. One day comes a KNOCK at the door of the house they got when Veterans are sleeping in cars and on our streets and it’s ICE coming to deport them because they never made their court date. And DEMOCRATS SCREAM for THEM and BLAME PRESIDENT TRUMP!

DEMS never look back to say “WOW, if OBAMA or BUSH or CLINTON had nipped this in the bud we would not have this issue now”. But they should!

Democrats are PISSED because HILLARY LOST. Yes, it’s an ongoing repetitive theme in my posts because it’s factual. What’s really interesting is that HILLARY said in her own words that “If someone does not accept the results of our elections, that they are a danger to democracy”. (we’re a republic, but they’re a danger to that too!).

Literally speaking, every single day, Democrats are a danger to OUR REPUBLIC and they need to be called out for it. They screamed RUSSIA for 2 years and “Oh just wait until MUELLER comes out with his report because he’s going to prove that TRUMP COLLUDED and CONSPIRED WITH RUSSIA”. and then the report dropped and the bottom fell out of their conspiracy. What happened next was predictable. They tried another thing and another thing and another thing to blame on TRUMP. And one by one those things are proved to be nothing more than lies.

WAKE UP AMERICA!!! Tell the DEMOCRATIC PARTY you’re done with them. SEND A MESSAGE and ALL AMERICANS VOTE FOR TRUMP in 2020 and send DEMS over the edge into the abyss they’ve created to try and throw us into.

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