Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth…

and nothing but the truth, so help you…AOC?

Yeah that’s not how that verse goes. When a SENATOR or CONGRESSMAN/WOMAN or Representative is sworn in, the oath goes like this:

“I, (insert name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

It does not state that they will support and defend the constitution of Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Venezuela, Cuba, or any other country outside of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

So why is it that our Congress is fighting so hard for the people of other countries who are coming across our border illegally, circumventing our laws? Because their plan is to flood the border, show that having a border is worthless, and that way they can have our country over run just like Germany and others and then say “WE NEED ONE WORLD ORDER, ONE GOVERNMENT, AND ONE FORCE WATCHING OVER OUR PEOPLE”. My guess is that Khaki with armbands will become the uniform of the day similar to a time when a party took over Germany back in WWII. They were called the NAZI PARTY. They were NOT TRUMP SUPPORTERS! They were hardened killers trying to create a MASTER RACE to control the entire world.

What I keep shaking my head over is these people in Congress were elected by people who were promised that they would get something better. What they’re getting is misled by a bunch of people who are still pissed that Hillary lost the election in 2016 and they just can’t bring themselves to support Donald Trump. But you don’t see them saying “Well I can’t support TRUMP so every bit of money I make because of things he’s done, I will give away”. Not at all. They spend it, they enjoy it and they try to stop him from doing more great things because eventually people will see through what they are doing and will vote to re-elect him!

We NEED THOSE VOTERS!! We need to slap AMERICA and wake it up from the OBAMA “I WILL BRING YOU HOPE AND CHANGE” LINE OF BULLSHIT and wake them up to what Democrats really hope for and that’s votes so they can pad their pockets with lobbyists money, investigate REPUBLICANS to no end, and get nothing done.

AMERICA, WE DESERVE BETTER!!! TRUMP has and IS showing us ALL that the DEMOCRATS have done nothing but blow smoked and thank GOD he has!! We’re making progress in areas where someone said “THEY’LL NEED A MAGIC WAND TO DO THAT”.


VOTE TRUMP 2020 and REPUBLICAN ACROSS THE BALLOTS so that we SWEEP EVERY SINGLE STATE and that we turn the map BLOOD RED so that AMERICA, OUR REPUBLIC IS SAVED and the DEMONS are banished to hell where they belong.

Thanks for reading and sharing.



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