Do I need $3MILLION for

Interesting question. NEED? NO. Want? YES? WHY? Because it’s NOT all for me! What? don’t you want to buy lots of stuff and cars and a house and hookers???

NO. I moved from a 2049sqft condo in California into a 10 x 12-foot storage area after giving away over $40,000 worth of STUFF. And that storage area is going to be downsized soon when I go through it and take the things that I don’t really need at all anymore to Goodwill and donate them.

That former condo had 56years of Mom and Dad’s things which they’d given me, but I had to get rid of them when I moved back to Arizona and I could only put so much into a trailer that I’d rented to get here. So I learned that STUFF is not what is needed to live. TOUGH lesson.

What do I really want to do with the money? It’s funny, but I want to help others with it. I know that sounds mushy, but it’s true. I want to get Code of Vets some money to help our VETS IN NEED!! I want to help the homeless guy on the corner who is on his last legs and needs some help.

BUT in reality, I want to buy a small home in Scottsdale, and I want to write, I want to take pictures, I want to do some investing, and I want to live my life out here and fondly remember my time in tech, my time dog sitting, and my time being homeless and I want to be of service to others as I am needed.

Will I take less for Make me an offer of $1MILLION and it’s yours. Will that slow my progress down? A little, but I’ll just do things differently and I will be successful either way.

Now, to those who want me to donate the domain to some cause…You pony up the money that I want for it to the tune of $1MILLION and I will donate it. You want me to donate it because you’re living in a home, you have money, you’re not a homeless Veteran who’s been through a mill in the past few years and is handling that depression with no meds and is doing pretty damned good mentally considering.

So that’s this side of the story. If you have questions, there’s an email address in the first paragraph on the website. Go and read the entire front page. You might have a better idea of why I’m asking the price for it. Someone is going to make MILLIONS from owning this. I’m just at a point where I want to move forward from this and get life going in the right direction. It’s time!

Thanks for reading and sharing with everyone you know.

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