Death Threats…and…some people did something…

Never in the history of our Congress has something more insensitive and stupid been uttered…with the exception of “At this point, WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?”, although HILLARY the ELECTION LOSER wasn’t in Congress but was in front of a hearing.

But now we have some hack who got elected and well let’s see she has the balls to:

A. Marry her Brother to circumvent immigration laws
B. Claims to be an active REFUGEE (she now is making $174,000 a year so this should be investigated).
C. She claims that 9/11 was not done by terrorists, but rather “some people did some thing”
D. She proclaims that our military is akin to Al-Qaeda (her people), or Hezbollah (people she loves)
E. Wears a head scarf when it is convenient for her to try and get people to sympathize with Muslims and their perverted ideology which is based on believing a donkey flying drunk rapist and a book that basically says “Kill anyone that doesn’t believe this bullshit”.

I say to her…FUCK YOU! She’s worried about DEATH THREATS. I’ve had them for years! If someone threatens you after you basically piss all over their dead, don’t be surprised if they decide that you’d be better off not breathing any longer. You made your bed OMAR, you deal with that crap because someone out there wants your head on a spear. It’s not me. I have zero time for your miserable butt, but someone out there is pissed and well…I wish them the best of luck getting to you and making their POINT very clear to you.

That’s it.

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