Well…So…NO COLLUSION after all

America, today is a day of CELEBRATION and I don’t give a DAMN what DONNA BRAZILE says about anything. That PIECE OF CRAP doesn’t want to accept Donald Trump as the legitimate President of the United States…SCREW HER!

TRUMP WON, HILLARY LOST and TO HELL WITH DONNA! 2,800 SUBPOENAS and over 500 people interviewed and millions of documents and NO COLLUSION FOUND BY ANY AMERICAN WITH RUSSIA!! And yet DEMOCRATS, THE DNC, have been CLAIMING that they had EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION, MOUNDS OF EVIDENCE OF IT for over 2 years and had NONE of the resources the Special Counsel had, and they come up with NOTHING. Special Counsel said NONE. That makes EVERY DEMOCRAT saying anything else about this nothing more than a LIAR & A FRAUD.

PERIOD. TRUMP WON & EVERYONE WHO VOTED FOR TRUMP WON. AMERICA WON because the process was followed, MUELLER was NEVER FIRED, NEVER interfered with, even when DEMOCRATS said he would be. So once again they were wrong and now they’re screaming.

FUCK THEM!! TRUMP 2020 LANDSLIDE & CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT to give him a 3RD TERM just to screw with them even longer!!!!


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