People are always saying they want to help VETERANS. You have a chance to help 1 Veteran who helps others when he sees them along side the roads, or sleeping on sidewalks, or under bridges, in doorways, etc., at all times of the day & night. Being homeless has awakened me to much that others turn their backs on and don’t see. You helping me back on my feet will allow me to be a louder voice for them, and will also allow me to help them when I am able to with other resources. This is part of a much larger picture, and your donation and the donation of others will power it.

If you are one company, or one individual who donates all $35,000.00 you will be specially featured, yourself personally, or your business or both in PictureThisAmerica™ – a Visual Tribute to Veterans by a Veteran Book when it’s published and sold globally through Just go to the site and donate the full amount, and I will be in touch with you to gather information & pictures from you to include in the book. You’ll also be featured on the resulting website on your own page as Exclusive Sponsor which many will see as you’ll be highlighted on radio and tv when I tour the country speaking about the book to many.

The sooner this gets funded, the sooner I can get to work on it and get it done. So please donate today, and tell others about it asking them to donate as well.

Thanks & God Bless!


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