Cohen, Buzzfeed, and others walk into a bar…

and Mueller says…WRONG!!!!

But now today, the statements from the news people who are not buzzfeed are “we knew it was fake”, “we weren’t down with that”, “they had no sources”, but if you roll back the tape 24 hours you will find that 99.9999999999% of news organizations were calling for the immediate impeachment of President Trump, Vice President Pence & the entire TRUMP administration to make Nancy Pelosi the President of the United States. That’s how far into the abyss the news media has gone since SHE LOST.

SHE LOST? Yes, let’s refresh those moments shall we!

First the election being called…not for HER!!!




Then the RECOUNT being called…not for HER!!!




Then the ELECTORAL COLLEGE being called…not for HER!!!

The best part being that SHE IS NOT ANYONE’S PRESIDENT!!!







And one of my personal favorites is below!!!!

Ever since Donald Trump announced in 2015 that he would be running to become President, the media has been paid to try and take him down however they see fit to do so! It’s funny that even with all of the weapons they have amassed including covens of fucking witches that they have all failed and shortly when MUELLER releases his report that says “THERE WAS NEVER ANY COLLUSION OR COLLABORATION BETWEEN THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN AND RUSSIA TO WIN THE PRESIDENCY”, the media cumulatively will have their fucking skulls implode on tv and me and Michael Jackson will inhale a silo of popcorn and be laughing our asses off over it!!

Just remember this CNN and others trying to bring this President down. You have lost GOD and have cast him out. Donald Trump, now President Trump has welcomed GOD into his heart and NO WEAPON or STORY formed against him will bring him down because GOD has deemed that DONALD TRUMP is the one he wants to save the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA from the ABYSS that BARACK OBAMA pushed it into during his 8 years in office.

If the MEDIA was SMART they would highlight all the good that TRUMP is doing and push their lies to the back pages of their publications because it serves the DEVIL the work they are doing, it serves not the GLORY OF GOD. GOD WILL WIN & TRUMP WILL WIN because GOD WANTS TRUMP TO WIN.

End of Line

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