To chip or not to chip…

To chip or not to chip…

Long, long ago in a dream…or was it a daydream…I don’t recall exactly, but it was one or the other when into my head crept an idea. Sort of akin to the one I had many years ago known as AOME (Apple of My Eye, which was a computer on a contact lens ( the display portion of it anyway), but this time, this was related to tracking criminals, repeat offenders of crimes against humanity and how to “handle” them.

What if a chip could be implanted, latched to the heart which would allow for a multitude of capabilities…keep them alive, track them…even…stop them dead in their tracks or simply immobilize them and allow them to be picked up and returned to their “prison” quickly.

Of course there are moral questions around this ranging from privacy to human rights issues, but what if these could also be used for those who are ILLEGAL ALIENS crossing into the US. When ICE picks them up, they will be chipped subcutaneously onto the heart (don’t remove it because when you try to it will rupture the aorta and the heart will begin to race and pump all blood from the heart, and the formerly living person being tracked will die within seconds.

Would this curb the illegal alien problem of illegal border crossings? Let’s see how this would work:

A person in Mexico decides they want to come to America but despise the idea of becoming American, assimilating into our society, they just want to come here for all the benefits, maybe marry an American, live here, work here, pay no taxes, etc…

So this person is living their life, working, etc., then the opportunity to commit a crime happens and they take advantage of things. They kill 2 people, rape another, and are arrested.

Immigration checks and finds out that this person is an Illegal Alien so they are scheduled to be deported. That happens and 3 months later after being deported they are back in the states and they do another crime where this time they burn a family home down and kill an entire family.

Once again they are deported, but this time before they are, they are CHIPPED with “The Executioner™” right to the heart. They are awakened and deported with instructions NOT TO RETURN TO THE USA.

Once the chip crosses the border in the individual it registers that it’s in Mexico and starts a counter. This counter reports basically all movements of the individual which could be used for intelligence gathering as perhaps they are with a cartel or other organization that transports across the border regularly.

The health of the person is also tracked, and eventually the person decides they are tired of Mexico and want to come back to the USA, but still haven’t gotten the message of doing it LEGALLY.

They cross the border. The counter stops and the chip lights up so bright that their chest glows with this light indicating that they are tracked. Now, a couple of things would happen because the people carrying them and perhaps more people would be in “OH SHIT” mode, or someone would kill the chipped person, or they would take them to the nearest border patrol drop and leave them, or they would kick them out of the truck where a patrol chopper could then locate them and drop them back across the border…

Or…Else the chip could be turned into SIT mode which is STOP IN TRACKS which would force the person into a seated position which they would remain in until they were returned to prison, placed into solitary confinement and scheduled for execution.

Extreme? Absolutely!! So is protecting our country, our borders, our people. Events like described above happen all too often in our country and NOTHING IS DONE about it because “well Americans are too lazy to pick things from the fields so we need illegals to do that”. I say BULLSHIT!

We need to get high school aged kids to do some manual labor and learn an actual skill other than texting and sexting on their phones during school and afterwards. Get them into the fields like when I was a kid and working in a fruit packing plant in Oregon was one of my first jobs. I learned how to pick things by hand and clean them, pack them and ship them. It showed me I could do something great and productive and if I had been a bit smarter back then I would have stayed with that place and retired because it was good pay at the time and it was muscle building also.

Our country needs to do something about the problem of people coming over our borders and killing people only to be released to come back and do it again and again and again as has happened in the case of Kate Steinle. Her killer was deported 5 times before he came back and killed her in San Francisco! 5 times!!!

I know that President Trump & his administration are working to solve this problem, perhaps this will give them another idea they can integrate into the mix. After a while people might get a hint that AMERICA MEANS BUSINESS. COME HERE LEGALLY or…suffer the consequences of your choices.

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