A tweet by an utter moronic liberal!

The following tweet from Chuckles Schumer proves my point about MEDIA and DEMS. They say that conservatives FEAR MONGER. CHUCKIE is an expert trying to play on fears. OH MY GOD TRUMP IS TAKING YOUR HEALTHCARE AWAY!!!!

Actually, a JUDGE said that OBAMA CARE is UNCONSTITUTIONAL, which it is and was created on an Executive Order because Obama couldn’t even get enough people in his own party to sign off on it. No Republicans wanted it and it was interesting to see deductibles in ARIZONA SOAR by 145%!!! Providers bailed because it was not “AFFORDABLE” as it was claimed to be and it was loaded with lies about “If you like your plan you can keep it, guaranteed”. “If you like your doctor you can keep them, guaranteed”.

Horse Feathers! You couldn’t keep either and if you decided you didn’t want anything, the would charge you a MANDATE each month whether you used the service or not.

Chuck is off base. President Trump is trying to inspire the DEMOCRATS to work with REPUBLICANS to create a plan that is affordable for EVERY AMERICAN. Chuck only wants it to be affordable for the wealthy, and to give away to illegals and not regular Americans.

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