The Media Spin is UNCANNY

You listen to people in the media talk and you have to wonder how much time they spend at home rehearsing their daily script of lies. If it has ANYTHING to do with President Trump, then he is guilty, there is no evidence required and they don’t have to prove anything. Why should they? He’s TRUMP so he has to be guilty! Why do we as conservatives think that we have any kind of right to question THEM. Yes, I am NOT kidding. Just test it out sometime. Wear something with TRUMP on it and see what happens.

A friend bought me a shirt, see the image:

I wore this to a supermarket where you meet all kinds of people. Nearly 20 PRO TRUMP people said “I LOVE YOUR SHIRT”. One LIBERAL went NUTS yelling IMPEACH HIM, LOCK HIM UP and other things to which the Pro Trump people address him with a simple “FUCK YOU, SHE LOST!” which made the liberal even more enflamed. I thought he was going to spontaneously combust! Thank Goodness he didn’t because I’d have stood back and seen who wanted to put him out. In Arizona there’s a ton of conservatives who don’t take well to people bashing our president as the media does constantly.

But back to the media, they’re so blatantly against anything this PRESIDENT does because he beat Hillary and they still hate that he won the Electoral College which if we didn’t have that, New York, California and just a couple of other states would control the will of the country and the rest of the country is not as rich as those places are.

Just listen closely to what they’re saying. Republicans have a positive outlook because of Make America Great Again. Democrats are gloom and doom about everything except ObamaCare. But when ObamaCare came out there were HUNDREDS of providers. Now there are FAR less than that and even the architect of that program literally called the American Voter Stupid! Read: Obamacare Architect: We passed the law thanks to the ‘Stupidity of the American Voter’ “Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage.” Obamacare Architect: We passed the law thanks to the ‘Stupidity of the …

So we’re stupid, TRUMP is WRONG with everything. The MEDIA takes that and runs like hell towards every TV screaming that 24 x 7 and what happens? People begin to believe the negative and tune out the positive because the number of stations broadcasting the positive are limited. Even those who want to be positive such as FOX NEWS are being pressed to be more progressive in their stances and to not be “so conservative” as that’s not what people want. WHAT??? CONSERVATIVES WANT IT!!! Because it’s the TRUTH!! We don’t want progressive lies and deceit and ALINSKY HYPNOSIS ingrained in the taunting of TRUMP and ALL who voted for him in 2016. Newsflash for the DEMOCRATS, President Trump has a base that is growing DAILY and WE will ALL vote for him to be RE-ELECTED in 2020.

Okay, this post could go on for another day or two, but then you’d be really bored. I’m just asking people to actually listen to what Media says. When they’re asked what RIGHTS for WOMEN President Trump has overturned as they claim, they have no answer. When they’re asked what RIGHTS for GAYS has President Trump overturned, they have NO ANSWER. When asked for examples of his being a bigot or a racist as they claim, they have no answer. They simply use those terms to trigger people into listening to the lies they make up which will get more people to vote Democrat. Don’t fall for it! They just want your vote so they can crap on you longer.

Thanks for reading and sharing.


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